Web Report Studio

JReport provides the web reporting solution for faster and simpler design and creation of reports using a web browser.

Web reports are viewed using a new interactive viewer called Web Report Studio. Web Report Studio provides a much nicer end user experience with many powerful features for interfacing with a report such as changing parameters without re-running the report. In addition, Web Report Studio still supports exporting the report to all supported output formats.

The data sources that can be used to create web reports are business views that are resources built on top of queries. Business views are created and managed in JReport Designer (for details, see Business Views in the JReport Designer User's Guide). In JReport Server, web reports are created via the Web Report Wizard using a browser and are opened and edited via Web Report Studio.

Using Web Report Wizard, it is easy to create complex reports with multiple components in a tabular style layout. Web reports also allow for company logo and titles to be placed on the top of the page for more formal presentation.

A web report template contains only one report and uses .wls as the file suffix. Web reports are stored in the JReport Server resource system and follow the server resource and version management rules such as archive policy and permission setting.

JReport Designer supports creating, opening, and editing of web reports (for details, see Web Reports in the JReport Designer User's Guide). JReport Designer also allows for web reports created on JReport Server to be downloaded to Designer and further edited.

This chapter covers the following topics to help you better interact with web reports:
