Specifying parameter values using dialog when running or scheduling reports via URL

When running or scheduling a report that requires parameters via URL, you need to provide the parameter values in the URL string without any mistakes. You may find this difficult sometimes because it's not easy to remember all parameters in a report and you can not take advantage selecting values when bound with a DBMS value. However, JReport provides you with the JSP tryView.jsp for running reports and the special command jrs.submit_schedule for report scheduling, which enables you to display the Enter Parameter Values dialog to manage parameters.

The display of the parameter dialog requires:

With the above three conditions fulfilled, the Enter Parameter Values dialog will be displayed right after you complete the URL in the address bar and make it run. After setting the values and clicking OK in the dialog, JReport Server will append the values to the URL string for you and execute the URL. However, if you click Cancel in the dialog, running the report will be cancelled.

Tip: If you want to specify parameters via dialog when running or scheduling reports via URL, the most effective way to display the parameter dialog is that you do not specify parameters at all in the URL.