Switching report database connection in URL

To access reports via URL, you can switch the connection in the same database or between different databases at runtime. As a result, if the databases you want to switch between have the same structure, you will then be free from having to build another similar catalog. You can use the switch database commands to set the JDBC connection or to change the user name/password in order to connect to another database.

The following are database connection commands:

When connecting to a different database with different database metadata or data metadata, you need to also specify the following commands to set the target database metadata information if there are differences:

Switching the connection and user/password in the same database

Switching the connection between different databases with the same database metadata

Switching the connection between different databases with different database metadata

The URL for switching the database to Oracle when running the page report report1.cls:

http://localhost:8080/remote/sub/jinfonet/tryView.jsp?jrs.cmd=jrs.try_vw&jrs.catalog=/Test/Test.cat&jrs.report=/Test/report1.cls&jrs.cmd=jrs.try_vw&jrs.result_type=8&jrs.jdbc_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&jrs.jdbc_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@"&jrs.db_date_format=M/d/yyyy&jrs.db_datetime_format=d/M/yyyy h:mm:ss a&jrs.db_time_format=HH:mm:ss.SSS&jrs.db_transaction_readonly=Read Only&jrs.db_transaction_mode=Repeatable Read&jrs.db_char_to_be_replaced=}&jrs.db_char_replaced_by=}oracle91234

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