Running a report tab in a page report via URL

If you want to run a specific page report tab, use jrs.report_sheet$RPT_TAB_NAME=true to specify a report tab in the current page report, where RPT_TAB_NAME is the report name of the specific report tab, not the display name. For example, jrs.report_sheet$Report2=true.

To get the report name and display name of a page report tab you can open the page report in JReport Designer and look at the Instance Name in the Properties panel or you can make use of the API methods getName() and getDisplayName() in the interface jet.server.api.ReportSheetInfo. For the detailed usages, see the JReport Javadoc located in <install_root>\help\api.

The URL for running a report tab Applet in Page Report Studio within the report MultimediaObjects.cls is as follows:


