Class CatalogAPI

  extended by jet.api.API
      extended by jet.api.CatalogAPI
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CatalogAPI
extends API

The CatalogAPI class allows an application to create and manipulate JReport catalog objects. By building a CatalogAPI instance in a Java program, users can edit a catalog by methods provided by API.

JReport catalog and its objects are stored in a tree structure. An instance of CatalogAPI can retrieve each object in the catalog by its handle. The handle of the catalog object is named by its qualified and unique instance name. Besides the handle, some catalog objects also have mapping names, such as query, table, table column, and formula. The mapping name maps the real name of a database object to JReport catalog's name.

The following are the objects that a JReport catalog can hold:

A CatalogAPI instance can be generated by a Designer instance. Below is an example of the use of the CatalogAPI.

  Designer dr = null;
        String path = %install root%/JReport/demo/reports/SampleReports/;
        String catName = "";
        DesignerUserInfo userInfo=new DesignerUserInfo("UID", "license key");
        dr = new Designer(path, catName,userInfo);
        CatalogAPI cat = dr.getCatalogAPI();
  catch(Exception e)

Field Summary
static int ALIAS
          SQL alias class type.
static int AVERAGE
          constant for summary function name
static java.lang.String BINARY
          parameter data type
static java.lang.String BOOLEAN
          parameter data type
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Category object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy container object type.
          BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure object type.
          BusinessView AGGREGATION object type.
          BusinessView DETAIL object type.
          BusinessView Group object type.
static int CATALOG
          Catalog object type.
static int COLUMN
          Column object type.
static int CONNECTION
          Connection object type.
static int COUNT
          constant for summary function name
static java.lang.String CURRENCY
          parameter data type
static int DATABASE
          Database object type.
static java.lang.String DATE
          parameter data type
static java.lang.String DATETIME
          parameter data type
static java.lang.String DECIMAL
          parameter data type
          constant for summary function name
          encoded data type
static int ENCODINGNO
          encoded data type
static int ENCODINGYES
          encoded data type
static int EXTRA_NAME_JDBC
          extra name type
          extra name type
static int FILESQL
          Imported SQL object type.
static int FORMULA
          Formula object type.
static int HDS
          HierDataSource object type.
static java.lang.String INTEGER
          parameter data type
static int JDBC
          Connection with JDBC
          Connection with JDBC-ODBC bridge
static int MAXIMUM
          constant for summary function name
static int MINIMUM
          constant for summary function name
static java.lang.String NUMBER
          parameter data type
          Demand Query object type.
static int PARAMETER
          Parameter object type.
static java.lang.String PARAMETERS
          parameter data type
          qualified name pattern
          qualified name pattern
          qualified name pattern
          constant for summary function name
          constant for summary function name
static int PROCEDURE
          Stored Procedure object type.
static int QUERY
          Query object type
          connection Read-only property
static int READ_ONLY_FALSE
          connection Read-only property
static int READ_ONLY_TRUE
          connection Read-only property
          constant for summary function name
static int RUNNING_COUNT
          constant for summary function name
          constant for summary function name
          constant for summary function name
          constant for summary function name
static int RUNNING_SUM
          constant for summary function name
static int STDDEV
          constant for summary function name
static java.lang.String STRING
          parameter data type
static int SUM
          constant for summary function name
static int SUMMARY
          Summary object type.
static int SYNONYM
          SQL synonym class type.
static int TABLE
          Table object type.
static java.lang.String TIME
          parameter data type
          transaction isolation level value
          transaction isolation level value
          transaction isolation level value
          transaction isolation level value
          transaction isolation level value
          transaction isolation level value
static int UDS
          User Defined DataSource object type.
static int VARIANCE
          constant for summary function name
static int VIEW
          View object type.
          SQL Where Portion clause object type.
          WSDL connection type
static int WSDLTYPE_URI
          WSDL connection type
          XMLConnection object type.
          XMLContainer object type.
Fields inherited from class jet.api.API
Method Summary
 boolean checkParam(ParameterInfo info)
          Checks whether or not the parameter's definition is valid.
 Designer create(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String name)
 boolean delete(java.lang.String handle)
          Deletes an object from the catalog.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Deletes the specified table in the query.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String unionQuery, boolean unionAll)
          Deletes the "union query" of the query in the data source.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname)
          Deletes the specified table's column in the query.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, java.lang.String expression)
          Deletes the QBE condition in the query.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String sExpression1, java.lang.String sOperator, java.lang.String sExpression2, java.lang.String sLogic)
          Deletes where conditions in the query.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo)
          Deletes a join of the query.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo)
          Deletes a join in the query
 boolean delete(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, UnionInfo info)
          Deletes the "union query" of the query in the specified data source.
 boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName, UnionInfo info)
          Deletes the "union query" of the query.
 boolean deleteCompCol(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName)
          Deletes the Computed Column from the query.
 boolean deleteCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName)
          Deletes the Computed Column from the query.
 boolean deleteCondition(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String sExpression1, java.lang.String sOperator, java.lang.String sExpression2, java.lang.String sLogic)
          Deletes where conditions in the query.
 boolean deleteQBE(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, java.lang.String expression)
          Deletes the QBE condition in the query.
 boolean deleteQuery(java.lang.String qryName)
          Deletes the query from the data source.
 boolean deleteQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName)
          Deletes the query from the specified data source.
 boolean deleteQueryField(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname)
          Deletes the specified table's column in the query of the specified data source.
 boolean deleteQueryTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Deletes the specified table in the query of the specified data source.
 boolean deleteUnionQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String unionQuery, boolean unionAll)
          Deletes the "union query" of the query in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[][] getAndConditions(java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by getAndInfos(String queryName)
 java.lang.String[][] getAndConditions(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. -Replaced by getAndInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName)
 AndInfo[] getAndInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets "And" filter condition information of the query
 AndInfo[] getAndInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets "And" filter condition information of the query in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBLCategoryHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) category handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBLDetailHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail Information handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBLDimensionHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBLHierarchyHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBLMeasureHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String getBLNodeQualifyName(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets BusinessLogic node's qualified name.
 java.lang.String[] getBLViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) handles in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBLViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName, int queryType)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBLViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) names in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBLViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName, int queryType)
          Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) names in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessNodeNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String businessViewName)
          Gets business node names of the specified Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewAggregationHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business View Aggregation handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewDetailHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business View detail handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewGroupHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business View Group handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets Business View handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName, int queryType)
          Gets Business View handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets Business View names in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName, int queryType)
          Gets Business View names in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getBusinesViewCategoryHandles(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets Business View category handles in the specified Business Logic node.
 java.lang.String[] getChartFunctions(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets formulas and summaries which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.
 java.lang.String[] getChartFunctions(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets formulas and summaries which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.
 java.lang.String[] getColumnMappingnames(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets all columns' mapping names in the query.
 java.lang.String[] getColumnMappingnames(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets all columns' mapping names in the query.
 QueryTableInfo getColumns(java.lang.String queryName, boolean allColumns)
          Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.
 QueryTableInfo getColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, boolean allColumns)
          Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.
 QueryTableInfo getColumnsCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets columns in the query which can be used to group data in the report.
 QueryTableInfo getColumnsCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets columns in the query which can be used to group data in the report.
 java.lang.String[] getCompColumnHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets handles of the computed columns in the query
 java.lang.String[] getCompColumns(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets computed columns in the query
 java.lang.String[] getCompColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets computed columns in the query
 ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo()
          Gets connection information from the default data source.
 ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets connection information from the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getDataSources()
          Gets all Data Source names in the catalog.
 java.lang.String[] getDBFields(java.lang.String qryName)
          Gets DBFields' mapping names that are defined in the query of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getDBFields(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName)
          Gets DBFields' mapping names that are defined in the query of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getDefaultDataSourceName()
          Gets the data source name of the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getForeignKeys(java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets foreign keys of the table.
 java.lang.String[] getForeignKeys(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets foreign keys of the table.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulae()
          Gets all formulas' mapping names that are defined in the default datasource.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulae(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all formulas' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulaeForQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulaeForQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query.
 FormulaInfo getFormulaInfo(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets the Formula's information.
 java.lang.String[] getFormulasCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.
 java.lang.String[] getFunctions(int iType)
          Gets available embedded function names according to SQL type.
 java.lang.String[] getFunctions(java.lang.String resourceName)
          Gets available embedded function names according to the field mapping name.
 java.lang.String[] getFunctions(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Gets available embedded function names according to the field mapping name in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getHandle(java.lang.String resourceName, int type)
          Gets the handle of an object according to the object's mapping name and object type, which can identify the object in the catalog.
 java.lang.String getHandle(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String resourceName, int type)
          Gets the handle of an object according to the object's mapping name and object type in the specified data source in JReport catalog, which can identify the object in the catalog.
 java.lang.String[] getHDSs()
          Gets all mapping names of Hierarchical Data Sources (HDS) query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getHDSs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all mapping names of Hierarchical Data Sources (HDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.
 JoinInfo[] getJoinInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets joins' definitions in the query.
 JoinInfo[] getJoinInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets joins' definitions in the query.
 java.lang.String[][] getJoins(java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by getJoinInfos(String queryName) Gets joins definition in the query.
 java.lang.String[][] getJoins(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by getJoinInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName) Gets joins definition in the query.
 QueryTableInfo getMapColumns(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.
 QueryTableInfo getMapColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.
 java.lang.String getMappingname(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets a mapping name for the specified catalog object by its handle.
 java.lang.String[] getMappingnames(java.lang.String DSName)
          Gets the fields' mapping names in the data source.
 java.lang.String[] getMappingnames(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String DSName)
          Gets the fields' mapping names in the data source of a specified data source
 java.lang.String getNewFormulaName()
          Gets a default formula name for the formula to be created in the current catalog,which is unique in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getNewFormulaName(java.lang.String sourceName)
          Gets a default mapping name for the formula to be created in the specified data source of the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getNewQueryName()
          Gets a default mapping name for the query to be created in the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getNewQueryName(java.lang.String sourceName)
          Gets a default mapping name for the query to be created in the specified data source of the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getNewReportName()
          Gets a default report name for the report to be created, which must be unique.
 ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets resource entity's information of an object in the catalog.
 ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String resourceName, int type)
          Gets resource entity's information of an object in catalog.
 ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String resourceName, int type)
          Gets resource entity's information of an object in the catalog.
 java.lang.String[] getParameter()
          Gets mapping names of the parameters defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getParameter(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets mapping names of the parameters defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterCanBeGroupedBy()
          Gets parameters which can be used to group by in the report from the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets parameters which can be used to group by in the report from the specified data source.
 ParameterInfo getParameterInfo(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets the parameter's information.
 java.lang.String[] getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets Primary keys of the table.
 java.lang.String[] getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets Primary keys of the table in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcColumns(java.lang.String procedureName)
          Gets all column names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procedureName)
          Gets all column names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcColumnsMap(java.lang.String proceName)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String proceName)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcedureNames()
          Gets all mapping names of Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getProcedureNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all mapping names of Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[][] getQBEInfo(java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. -Replaced by getQBEInfos(String queryName) Gets QBE information in the query.
 java.lang.String[][] getQBEInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Deprecated. Replaced by getQBEInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName) Gets QBE information in the query
 QBEInfo[] getQBEInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets "QBE" condition information of the query.
 QBEInfo[] getQBEInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets "QBE" condition information of the query in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getQueries()
          Gets all mapping names of the Query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all mapping names of the Query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getQuoteChar()
          Gets the quote char from the JDBC connection.
 java.lang.String getQuoteChar(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets the quote char from the JDBC connection.
 java.lang.String[] getSPFields(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procedureName, boolean isMapping)
          Gets field names of the specified stored procedure's fields.
 java.lang.String[] getSPFieldsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procedureName, boolean isMapping)
          Gets mapping names of the specified stored procedure's fields.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLColumns(java.lang.String sqlname)
          Gets all columns' real names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String sqlname)
          Gets all columns' real names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLColumnsMap(java.lang.String sqlname)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String sqlname)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLs()
          Gets all Imported SQL queries' mapping names that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSQLs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all Imported SQL queries' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String getSQLString(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets sql statement text of a queriable object.
 java.lang.String getSQLString(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets sql statement text of a queriable object.
 int getSQLType(java.lang.String query, java.lang.String colName)
          Gets sql type of a query column.
 int getSQLType(java.lang.String sourceName, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String colName)
          Gets sql type of a query column.
 java.lang.String[] getSubQueries(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets the "subquery" names of the query.
 java.lang.String[] getSubQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets "subquery" names of the query.
 java.lang.String[] getSummaries()
          Gets all Summaries' mapping names that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSummaries(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all Summaries' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getSummariesForQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets Summaries which are valid to the query.
 java.lang.String[] getSummariesForQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets Summaries which are valid to the query.
 java.lang.String[] getSummaryCanBeSortedBy(java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets the summaries which can be sorted by in a report group.
 java.lang.String[] getSummaryCanBeSortedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, java.lang.String groupBy)
          Gets the summaries which can be sorted by in a report group.
 SummaryInfo getSummaryInfo(java.lang.String handle)
          Gets the Summary's information.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets all columns' real names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String tablename, boolean isMapping)
          Gets all column names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets all columns' real names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename, boolean isMapping)
          Gets all column names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String tablename, boolean isMapping)
          Gets all columns' mappping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tablename, boolean isMapping)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTables()
          Gets all mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTables(boolean bIncludeSystemTable)
          Gets tables and views in the data source
 java.lang.String[] getTables(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getTables(java.lang.String dataSourceName, boolean bIncludeSystemTable)
          Gets tables and views in the specified datasource.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSColumns(java.lang.String udsname)
          Gets all column names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String udsname)
          Gets all column names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSColumnsMap(java.lang.String udsname)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String udsname)
          Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSs()
          Gets all mapping names of User Data Source(UDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUDSs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Gets all mapping names of User Data Source(UDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUnionableQueries(java.lang.String queryname)
          Gets available query names that can be unioned to this query.
 java.lang.String[] getUnionableQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryname)
          Gets available query names that can be unioned to this query.
 UnionInfos getUnionInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets union query information of a specified query
 UnionInfos getUnionInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets union query information of the query of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets unioned query names of the specified query.
 java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String queryName, boolean isUnionAll)
          Gets unioned query names of a specified query according to the union status
 java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Gets unioned query names of the specified query.
 java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, boolean isUnionAll)
          Gets unioned query names of a specified query according to the union status
 java.lang.String getUserID()
          Gets the user's ID of this CatalogAPI instance
 java.lang.String insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String url, java.lang.String driver)
          Inserts a JReport database connection object.
 java.lang.String insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, java.lang.String strName, java.lang.String strDesc, java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String driver, ConnectionInfo info)
          Inserts a JReport database connection object into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String url, java.lang.String driver)
          Inserts a JReport database connection object into the database.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, java.lang.String strName, java.lang.String strDesc, java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String DRV, ConnectionInfo info)
          Inserts a JReport database connection object into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String name, int type)
          Adds a resource entity into the catalog.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String qryName, QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo, QueryJoinInfo queryJoinInfo, QueryQBEInfo queryQBEInfo, QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)
          Inserts a query into the catalog.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String SQLName, java.lang.String filename)
          Inserts an imported query into a Connection of the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String name, int type)
          Adds a resource entity into a specified data source in the catalog.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String summaryName, java.lang.String desc, int functionType, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String groupByFld)
          Adds an aggregate function into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo, QueryJoinInfo queryJoinInfo, QueryQBEInfo queryQBEInfo, QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)
          Inserts a query into the catalog.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String formulaName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String expression)
          Adds a formula into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tablePattern, int type)
          Inserts a table or view into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tablePattern, int type, boolean setMappingName)
          Inserts a table or view into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String summaryName, java.lang.String desc, int functionType, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String groupByFld)
          Adds an aggregate function into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String formulaName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String expression)
          Adds a formula into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tablePattern, int type, boolean setMappingName)
          Inserts a table or view into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tablePattern, int type, java.lang.String character)
          Inserts a table or view into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String prompt, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Inserts a JReport parameter object into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String procName, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String remarks, int iType)
          Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the default data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String procName, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String remarks, int iType, boolean setMappingName)
          Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the default data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaPattern, java.lang.String tablePattern, int type, java.lang.String character)
          Inserts a table or view into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String parameterName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String prompt, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Inserts a JReport parameter object into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procName, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String remarks, int iType, boolean setMappingName)
          Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procName, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String remarks, int iType, boolean setMappingName, java.lang.String connector)
          Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String procName, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String remarks, int iType, java.lang.String connector)
          Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String strDSName, java.lang.String strClassName, java.lang.String strParameter, UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)
          Inserts a User Defined Datasource(UDS) into specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String strDSName, java.lang.String strClassName, java.lang.String strParameter, UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)
          Inserts a User Defined Datasource(UDS) into the data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String wherePotionName, java.lang.String desc, WherePortionInfo whereportionInfo)
          Inserts a predefined WherePortion into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String wherePotionName, java.lang.String desc, WherePortionInfo whereportionInfo)
          Inserts a predefined WherePortion into the data source.
 java.lang.String insertBLCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle, BLCategoryInfo info)
          Inserts a Business Logic Category object into the specified container.
 java.lang.String insertBLDetail(java.lang.String parentHandle, BLDetailInfo info)
          Inserts a BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail information object into the specified container object Detail information objects provide additional information.
 java.lang.String insertBLDimension(java.lang.String parentHandle, BLDimensionInfo info)
          Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension object into the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertBLHierarchy(java.lang.String blViewHandle, BLHierarchyInfo info)
          Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy object into the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertBLMeasure(java.lang.String parentHandle, BLMeasureInfo info)
          Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure objectinto the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessView(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queriableName, java.lang.String businessViewName)
          Inserts a Business Logic into the specified queriable object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessView(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queriableName, java.lang.String businessViewName, boolean isLogicView)
          Inserts a Business Logic/View into the specified queriable object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessViewAggregation(java.lang.String parentHandle, BVAggregationInfo info)
          Inserts a Business View Aggregation object into the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessViewCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle, BLCategoryInfo info)
 java.lang.String insertBusinessViewCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle, BusinessViewCategoryInfo info)
          Inserts a Business View Category object into the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessViewDetail(java.lang.String parentHandle, BVDetailInfo info)
          Inserts a Business View Detail object into the specified container object.
 java.lang.String insertBusinessViewGroup(java.lang.String parentHandle, BVGroupInfo info)
          Inserts a Business View Group object into the specified object.
 java.lang.String insertClassHDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String classPath, java.lang.String parameter)
          Inserts a hierarchical data sources (HDS) into the catalog.
 java.lang.String insertCompCol(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String sExpression)
          Inserts a Computed Column into the query.
 java.lang.String insertCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String sExpression)
          Inserts a Computed Column into the query of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insertSql(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String SQLName, java.lang.String filename)
          Inserts an imported query into a Connection of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insertWSDLConnection(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String strName, java.lang.String strDesc, java.lang.String URI, int uriType, ConnectionInfo info)
          Inserts a JReport WebService-based connection object into the specified data source.
 java.lang.String insertXMLHDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String xmlPath, java.lang.String xsdPath)
          Inserts a hierarchical data sources (HDS) into the catalog.
 boolean isDistinctQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName)
          Geta the distinct status of the query
 boolean isModified()
          Checks whether or not the catalog has been modified.
 boolean isNameExist(java.lang.String name)
          Determines whether or not the resource entity exists in the catalog.
 boolean isNameExist(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String name)
          Determines whether or not the resource entity exists in the specified data source of the catalog.
 java.lang.String mapFunction(int function)
          Converts aggregate function type from number to String.
 java.lang.String parseFormula(FormulaInfo info)
          Parses a formula definition in the data source.
 java.lang.String parseFormula(java.lang.String dataSourceName, FormulaInfo info)
          Parses a formula definition in the data source.
 java.lang.String parseFormulae()
          Parses all formulas in the data source.
 java.lang.String parseFormulae(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Parses all formulas in the specified data source.
 boolean refreshReference()
          Creates a new or refreshes an existing CrossReference with CrossReferenceConfigure.
 void rename(java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String newName, int type)
          Renames the specified object.
 void rename(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String newName, int type)
          Renames the mapping name of the specified object.
 boolean save()
          Saves an open catalog.
 boolean saveAs(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String name)
          Saves an open catalog as a new catalog file.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, AndInfo andInfo)
          Adds a new and condition to the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String handle, FormulaInfo info)
          Sets the Formula's information.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, JoinInfo joinInfo)
          Adds a new SQL join into the query of the data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String handle, ParameterInfo info)
          Sets the parameter's information.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, QBEInfo qbeInfo)
          Adds a QBE condition into the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, AndInfo andInfo)
          Adds a new and condition to the query
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, JoinInfo joinInfo)
          Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, boolean isFormula)
          Adds a new table's field into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, java.lang.String expression)
          Adds a QBE condition into the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, boolean isFormula)
          Adds a new table's field into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String sExpression1, java.lang.String sOperator, java.lang.String sExpression2, java.lang.String sLogic)
          Adds a new where condition into the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo)
          Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo, boolean isSQL92, int outerJoin)
          Adds a new join to the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo, boolean isSQL92, int outerJoin)
          Adds a new join to the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, SubQueryInfo subqueryInfo)
          Adds a subquery into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, UnionInfo unionInfo)
          Adds a union query into the query of the specified data source.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, SubQueryInfo subqueryInfo)
          Adds a subquery into the query.
 boolean set(java.lang.String handle, SummaryInfo info)
          Sets the Summary's information.
 boolean set(java.lang.String qryName, UnionInfo unionInfo)
          Adds a union query into the specified query.
 boolean setCompCol(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String sExpression)
          Modifies the Computed Column in the query.
 boolean setCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String sExpression)
          Modifies the Computed Column in the query.
 boolean setCondition(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String sExpression1, java.lang.String sOperator, java.lang.String sExpression2, java.lang.String sLogic)
          Adds a new where condition to the specified query.
 boolean setDefaultDataSource(java.lang.String datasourceName)
          Sets the specified data source as the default data source.
 boolean setDistinctQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String queryName, boolean isDisTinct)
          set the distinct status of the query
 boolean setJoin(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tableFrom, java.lang.String columnFrom, java.lang.String operator, java.lang.String tableTo, java.lang.String columnTo)
          Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source.
 void setModified(boolean isModified)
          Sets the modifying status of the Catalog.
 boolean setQBE(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String columnname, java.lang.String expression)
          Adds a QBE condition into the query.
 boolean setQueryTable(java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, boolean selectAllFields)
          Adds a new table into the query of the data source.
 boolean setQueryTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String qryName, java.lang.String tablename, boolean selectAllFields)
          Adds a new table into the query of the specified data source.
 java.lang.String updateSQLFile(java.lang.String SQLName, java.lang.String filename)
          Updates an imported query of a Connection of the data source.
 java.lang.String updateSQLFile(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String SQLName, java.lang.String filename)
          Updates an imported query of a Connection of the data source.
 boolean updateUDS(java.lang.String userDataSourceName)
          Updates UDS in the default Data Source of the Catalog.
 boolean updateUDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String userDataSourceName)
          Updates UDS in the specified Data Source of the Catalog.
Methods inherited from class jet.api.API
clearError, clearMsg, clearWarning, closeLog, containPropName, getBool, getChildren, getClassType, getColor, getDouble, getError, getFloat, getHandles, getHandles, getHandles, getHandles, getInstanceName, getInt, getLong, getParent, getPropNames, getPropType, getQualifyName, getString, getStringArray, getUnit, getWarning, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, setLog, setLog, setLog, setReference, setUnit, writeLog, writeLog
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CATALOG
Catalog object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CONNECTION
Connection object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TABLE
Table object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VIEW
View object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COLUMN
Column object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int QUERY
Query object type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROCEDURE
Stored Procedure object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FILESQL
Imported SQL object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UDS
User Defined DataSource object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FORMULA
Formula object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUMMARY
Summary object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PARAMETER
Parameter object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WHEREPORTION
SQL Where Portion clause object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SYNONYM
SQL synonym class type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ALIAS
SQL alias class type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DATABASE
Database object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HDS
HierDataSource object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC_CATEGORY
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Category object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC_DIMENSION
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC_MEASURE
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC_DETAILINFO
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSLOGIC_HIERARCHY
BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy container object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ONDEMAND_QUERY
Demand Query object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int XML_CONNECTION
XMLConnection object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int XML_MDCONTAINER
XMLContainer object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSVIEW_GROUP
BusinessView Group object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSVIEW_AGGREGATION
BusinessView AGGREGATION object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BUSINESSVIEW_DETAIL
BusinessView DETAIL object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int JDBC_ODBC_BRIDGE
Connection with JDBC-ODBC bridge


public static final int JDBC
Connection with JDBC


public static final int PATTERN_1PART_NAME
qualified name pattern

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PATTERN_2PART_NAME
qualified name pattern

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PATTERN_3PART_NAME
qualified name pattern

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EXTRA_NAME_JDBC
extra name type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EXTRA_NAME_USERDEFINED
extra name type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODINGAUTO
encoded data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODINGYES
encoded data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODINGNO
encoded data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_DEFAULT
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_NONE
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
transaction isolation level value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_ONLY_DEFAULT
connection Read-only property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_ONLY_TRUE
connection Read-only property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int READ_ONLY_FALSE
connection Read-only property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INTEGER
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NUMBER
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STRING
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DECIMAL
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CURRENCY
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String BOOLEAN
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DATE
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TIME
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DATETIME
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String BINARY
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PARAMETERS
parameter data type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COUNT
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AVERAGE
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAXIMUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MINIMUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int POPULATIONSTDDEV
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int POPULATIONVARIANCE
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STDDEV
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VARIANCE
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DISTINCTCOUNT
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_COUNT
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_DISTINCTCOUNT
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_MAXIMUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_MINIMUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_AVERAGE
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RUNNING_SUM
constant for summary function name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WSDLTYPE_LOCALEFILE
WSDL connection type

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WSDLTYPE_URI
WSDL connection type

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getUserID()
Gets the user's ID of this CatalogAPI instance

a String specifying the user's ID of this CatalogAPI instance


public boolean save()
             throws jet.jetc.WriteFailureException,
Saves an open catalog. All modifications of the catalog's object will be saved.

true if the catalog object is saved successfully; false otherwise.
jet.jetc.WriteFailureException - if the catalog fails to save the catalog file.
jet.universe.exception.FMLFileException - if the catalog fails to compile the java class of the formula in the catalog.


public boolean saveAs(java.lang.String path,
                      java.lang.String name)
Saves an open catalog as a new catalog file. All modifications of the catalog's object will be saved.

path - The file path of the new catalog file. It is the full path of the file.
name - The file name of the new catalog file.
true if the catalog file is saved successfully; false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getNewQueryName()
Gets a default mapping name for the query to be created in the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source. For example, the first query name is query1, the following will be query2, query3, etc.

a String specifying the default query name.


public java.lang.String getNewQueryName(java.lang.String sourceName)
Gets a default mapping name for the query to be created in the specified data source of the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source. For example, the first query name is query1, the following will be query2, query3, etc.

sourceName - The mapping name of the data source.
a String specifying the default query name.


public java.lang.String getNewFormulaName()
Gets a default formula name for the formula to be created in the current catalog,which is unique in the specified data source. For example, the first formula name is formula1, the following will be formula2, formula3, etc.

a String specifying the default formula name.


public java.lang.String getNewFormulaName(java.lang.String sourceName)
Gets a default mapping name for the formula to be created in the specified data source of the current catalog, which is unique in the specified data source. For example, the first formula name is formula1, the following will be formula2, formula3, etc.

sourceName - The mapping name of the data source.
a String specifying the default formula name.


public java.lang.String getNewReportName()
Gets a default report name for the report to be created, which must be unique. The name for the first report will be report1, and the following will be report2, report3....

a String specifying the new report name.


public java.lang.String getMappingname(java.lang.String handle)
Gets a mapping name for the specified catalog object by its handle.

handle - Indicates the handle of the object, which can identify the object in the catalog.
a String specifying the object's mapping name.


public Designer create(java.lang.String path,
                       java.lang.String name)

Creates a new Designer with the catalog name.

path - The catalog file's path.
name - The catalog file's name.
the newly created Designer object.


public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String name,
                               int type)
Adds a resource entity into the catalog. This method adds a blank object with a specified type into the catalog. Generally, the object is an invalid object before it is initialized with its definition information.

name - Indicates the mapping name of the new object.
type - Indicates the object type of the new object. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify the catalog objects. For example,
  • Returns:
    the handle of the new resource entity.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   int type)
    Adds a resource entity into a specified data source in the catalog. This method adds a blank object with a specified type into the catalog. Generally, the object is an invalid object before it is initialized with its definition information.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source. If it is null or "", it means that it is a default data source in the catalog.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of the new object.
    type - Indicates the object type of the new object. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify the catalog objects. For example,
  • DATABASE - The database in the catalog of JReport is also called data dource.
  • Returns:
    handle of the resource entity.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String procName,
                                   java.lang.String catalog,
                                   java.lang.String schema,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String remarks,
                                   int iType,
                                   boolean setMappingName)
    Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source. This method adds a JReport stored procedure object which maps the real data source stored procedure into JReport connection. They function like queries, and can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procName - Indicates the new mapping name of the procedure defined in JReport connection.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search.
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    name - Indicates the name of the procedure of the real database.
    remarks - Indicates the remark of the procedure.
    iType - Indicates the returned result set's type of the procedure. Constants of the procedure type:
    • procedureResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value will be returned.
    • procedureNoResult - Does not return a return value.
    • procedureReturnsResult - Returns a return value.
    Those definitions of constant values, such as "procedureReturnsResult", can be found in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
    setMappingName - Indicates whether or not to set the mapping name of a field in the procedure as "name_fieldName".
    the handle of the newly inserted procedure. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String procName,
                                   java.lang.String catalog,
                                   java.lang.String schema,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String remarks,
                                   int iType,
                                   java.lang.String connector)
    Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source. This method adds a JReport stored procedure object which maps the real database stored procedure into JReport connection. They function like queries, and can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procName - Indicates the new mapping name of the procedure defined in JReport connection.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined a as 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    name - Indicates the name of the procedure of the real database.
    remarks - Indicates the remark of the procedure.
    iType - Indicates the returned result set's type of the procedure. Constants of the procedure type:
    • procedureResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value will be returned.
    • procedureNoResult - Does not return a return value.
    • procedureReturnsResult - Returns a return value.
    Those definitions of constant values, such as "procedureReturnsResult", can be found in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
    connector - The character which is used to connect table name and fieldName as the mapping name (resource Name) of a field.
    the handle of the newly inserted procedure. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String procName,
                                   java.lang.String catalog,
                                   java.lang.String schema,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String remarks,
                                   int iType,
                                   boolean setMappingName,
                                   java.lang.String connector)
    Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the specified data source. This method adds a JReport stored procedure object which maps the real database stored procedure into JReport connection. They function like queries, and can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of data source in catalog.
    procName - Indicates the new mapping name of the procedure defined in the JReport connection.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    name - Indicates the name of the procedure of the real database.
    remarks - Indicates the remark of the procedure.
    iType - Indicates the returned result set's type of the procedure. Constants of procedure type:
    • procedureResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value will be returned.
    • procedureNoResult - Does not return a return value.
    • procedureReturnsResult - Returns a return value.
    Those definitions of constant values, such as "procedureReturnsResult", can be found in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
    setMappingName - Indicates whether or not to set the mapping name of a field in the procedure as "procedureName_fieldName".
    connector - The character which is used to connect procedure name and fieldName as the mapping name (resource Name) of the field if setMappingName is true.
    the handle of the newly inserted procedure. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String procName,
                                   java.lang.String catalog,
                                   java.lang.String schema,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String remarks,
                                   int iType,
                                   boolean setMappingName)
    Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the default data source. This method adds a JReport stored procedure object which maps the real database stored procedure into JReport connection. They function like queries, and can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procName - Indicates the new mapping name of the procedure defined in JReport connection.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    name - Indicates the name of the procedure of the real database.
    remarks - Indicates the remark of the procedure.
    iType - Indicates the returned result set's type of the procedure. Constants of the procedure:
    • procedureResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value will be returned.
    • procedureNoResult - Does not return a return value.
    • procedureReturnsResult - Returns a return value.
    Those definitions of constant values, such as "procedureReturnsResult", can be found in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
    setMappingName - Indicates whether or not to set the mapping name of a field in the procedure as "name_fieldName".
    the handle of the newly inserted procedure. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String procName,
                                   java.lang.String catalog,
                                   java.lang.String schema,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String remarks,
                                   int iType)
    Inserts a stored procedure into a Connection of the default data source. This method adds a JReport stored procedure object which maps the real database stored procedure into JReport connection.

    procName - Indicates the new mapping name of the procedure defined in the JReport connection.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the procedure of the real database if the procedure is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    name - Indicates the name of the procedure of the real database.
    remarks - Indicates the remark of the procedure.
    iType - Indicates the returned result set's type of the procedure. Constants of procedure type:
    • procedureResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value will be returned.
    • procedureNoResult - Does not return a return value.
    • procedureReturnsResult - Returns a return value.
    Those definitions of constant values, such as "procedureReturnsResult", can be found in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.
    the handle of the newly inserted procedure. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String strDSName,
                                   java.lang.String strClassName,
                                   java.lang.String strParameter,
                                   UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)
    Inserts a User Defined Datasource(UDS) into the data source.

    strDSName - Indicates the mapping name of new UDS.
    strClassName - Indicates the class name of the UDS.
    strParameter - Indicates all parameters and their String values. All parameters and values are assembled as parameterName-value pairs. For example, strParameter = "param1=XXX, param2=XXXX".
    udsColInfo - Indicates the definition of the UDS's columns.
    the handle of the newly inserted UDS. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String strDSName,
                                   java.lang.String strClassName,
                                   java.lang.String strParameter,
                                   UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)
    Inserts a User Defined Datasource(UDS) into specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of data source in catalog.
    strDSName - Indicates the mapping name of new UDS.
    strClassName - Indicates the class name of the UDS.
    strParameter - Indicates all parameters and their String values. All parameters and values are assemble as parametername-value pairs. For example, strParameter = "param1=XXX, param2=XXXX".
    udsColInfo - Indicates the definition of UDS's columns.
    the handle of the newly inserted UDS. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String parameterName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String prompt,
                                   java.lang.String type,
                                   java.lang.String defaultValue)
    Inserts a JReport parameter object into the data source.

    parameterName - Indicates the mapping name of the new parameter.
    desc - Indicates a description of the parameter.
    prompt - Specifies the prompt text for the new parameter. The prompt text can help user to input a parameter value in runtime.
    type - Indicates the parameter's data type. Defined constants for the type:
    defaultValue - Sets a default value for the parameter. The value and its format must match the parameter's type.
    the handle of the newly inserted parameter. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String parameterName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String prompt,
                                   java.lang.String type,
                                   java.lang.String defaultValue)
    Inserts a JReport parameter object into the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    parameterName - Indicates the mapping name of the new parameter.
    desc - Indicates a description of the parameter.
    prompt - Specifies the prompt text for the new parameter. The prompt text can help user to input parameter value in runtime.
    type - Indicates the parameter's data type. Defined constants for the type:
    defaultValue - Sets a default value for the parameter. The value and its format must match the parameter's type.
    the handle of the newly inserted parameter. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String wherePotionName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   WherePortionInfo whereportionInfo)
    Inserts a predefined WherePortion into the data source. The where portion stores the SQL where clause.

    wherePotionName - Indicates the mapping name of the WherePotion.
    desc - Specifies the description of the WherePotion.
    whereportionInfo - The WherePortion's information.
    the handle of the newly inserted WherePortion. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String wherePotionName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   WherePortionInfo whereportionInfo)
    Inserts a predefined WherePortion into the specified data source. The where portion stores the SQL where clause.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    wherePotionName - Indicates the mapping name of the WherePotion.
    desc - Specifies the description of the WherePotion.
    whereportionInfo - The WherePortion's information.
    the handle of the newly inserted WherePortion. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String formulaName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String expression)
    Adds a formula into the data source.

    formulaName - Indicates the mapping name of the formula.
    desc - Indicates the description of the formula
    expression - Indicates the expression and function in String format.
    the handle of the newly inserted formula. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String formulaName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String expression)
    Adds a formula into the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    formulaName - Indicates the mapping name of the formula.
    desc - Indicates the description of the formula
    expression - Indicates the expression and function in String format.
    the handle of the newly inserted formula. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String summaryName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   int functionType,
                                   java.lang.String fieldName,
                                   java.lang.String groupByFld)
    Adds an aggregate function into the data source. Summaries allow you to generate functions for your data, such as count, average, sum, and standard deviation. Summary functions are based on how you initially grouped the data. For example, if you grouped your data according to country, and you have two groups (US and Canada). Then, if you specify to perform a summary break by country group, you will get the summary result for each group. A summary is a special kind of formula, but it is often used for DBField or an existing formula. Summary functions can also be realized with formula functions.

    summaryName - Indicates the mapping name of the new summary.
    desc - Indicates the description of the function.
    functionType - Indicates the function type. Defined constants for the function type:
  • SUM
    fieldName - Indicates the mapping name of the field that is calculated on.
    groupByFld - Indicates the mapping name of the field that is grouped by.
    the handle of the newly inserted function. If fails, a null value will be returned.

  • insert

    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String summaryName,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   int functionType,
                                   java.lang.String fieldName,
                                   java.lang.String groupByFld)
    Adds an aggregate function into the data source. Summaries allow you to generate functions for your data, such as count, average, sum, and standard deviation. Summary functions are based on how you initially grouped the data. For example, if you grouped your data according to country, and you have two groups (US and Canada). Then, if you specify to perform a summary break by country group, you will get the summary result for each group. A summary is a special kind of formula, but it is often used for DBField or an existing formula. Summary functions can also be realized with formula functions.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    summaryName - Indicates the mapping name of the new summary.
    desc - Indicates the description of the function.
    functionType - Indicates the function type. Defined constants for the function type:
  • SUM
    fieldName - Indicates the mapping name of the field that is calculated on.
    groupByFld - Indicates the mapping name of the field that is grouped by.
    the handle of the newly inserted function. If fails, a null value will be returned.

  • insert

    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String SQLName,
                                   java.lang.String filename)
    Inserts an imported query into a Connection of the data source. This method adds a JReport imported query object. Imported queries, which are SQL statements in an external file, can be added to the catalog and also function as queries. They can be used as data sources for reports.

    SQLName - Indicates the mapping name of the new imported query.
    filename - Indicates the full path file name of the imported query.
    the handle of the newly inserted imported query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insertSql(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                      java.lang.String SQLName,
                                      java.lang.String filename)
    Inserts an imported query into a Connection of the specified data source. This method adds a JReport imported query object. Imported queries, which are SQL statements in an external file, can be added to the catalog and also function as queries. They can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    SQLName - Indicates the mapping name of the new imported query.
    filename - Indicates the full path file name of the imported query.
    the handle of the newly inserted imported query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String updateSQLFile(java.lang.String SQLName,
                                          java.lang.String filename)
    Updates an imported query of a Connection of the data source. This method updates the specified imported query object. All the columns of it will be changed according to the SQL statement in the specified file. Imported queries, which are SQL statements in an external file, can be added to the catalog and also function as queries. They can be used as data sources for reports.

    SQLName - Indicates the mapping name of the imported query.
    filename - Indicates the full path file name of the imported query.
    the handle of the newly updated imported query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String updateSQLFile(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                          java.lang.String SQLName,
                                          java.lang.String filename)
    Updates an imported query of a Connection of the data source. This method updates the specified imported query object. All the columns of it will be changed according to the SQL statement in the specified file. Imported queries, which are SQL statements in an external file, can be added to the catalog and also function as queries. They can be used as data sources for reports.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    SQLName - Indicates the mapping name of the imported query.
    filename - Indicates the full path file name of the imported query.
    the handle of the newly updated imported query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String url,
                                   java.lang.String driver)
    Inserts a JReport database connection object. A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data. For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a connection is the gateway to the raw database.

    bUseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates how to connect to the database. if it is true, connects by the JDBC_ODBC bridge; otherwise, connects by JDBC driver.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of the connection.
    desc - Indicates a String description for the connection
    url - Indicates the URL used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false; otherwise, it is the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge).
    driver - Indicates the driver class name used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false.
    the handle of the newly inserted connection. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge,
                                   java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String desc,
                                   java.lang.String url,
                                   java.lang.String driver)
    Inserts a JReport database connection object into the database. A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data. For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a connection is the gateway to the raw database.

    bUseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates how to connect to the database. if it is true, connects by the JDBC_ODBC bridge; otherwise, connects by JDBC driver.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of the connection.
    desc - Indicates a String description for the connection
    url - Indicates the URL used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false; otherwise, it is the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge).
    driver - Indicates the driver class name used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false.
    the handle of the newly inserted connection. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge,
                                   java.lang.String strName,
                                   java.lang.String strDesc,
                                   java.lang.String URL,
                                   java.lang.String driver,
                                   ConnectionInfo info)
    Inserts a JReport database connection object into the specified data source. A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data. For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a connection is the gateway to the raw database.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    bUseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates how to connect to the database. if it is true, connects by the JDBC_ODBC bridge; otherwise, connects by JDBC driver.
    strName - Indicates the mapping name of the connection.
    strDesc - Indicates a String description for the connection
    URL - Indicates the URL used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false; otherwise, it is the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge).
    driver - Indicates the driver class name used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false.
    info - Defines the properties of the connection, such as username and password.
    the handle of the newly inserted connection. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge,
                                   java.lang.String strName,
                                   java.lang.String strDesc,
                                   java.lang.String URL,
                                   java.lang.String DRV,
                                   ConnectionInfo info)
    Inserts a JReport database connection object into the specified data source. A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data. For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a connection is the gateway to the raw database.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    bUseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates how to connect to the database. if it is true, connects by the JDBC_ODBC bridge; otherwise, connects by JDBC driver.
    strName - Indicates the mapping name of the connection.
    strDesc - Indicates a String description for the connection
    URL - Indicates the URL used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false; otherwise, it is the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge).
    driver - Indicates the driver class name used to connect to the database if UseJDBCODBCBridge is false.
    info - Defines the properties of the connection, such as username and password.
    the handle of the newly inserted connection. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insertWSDLConnection(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                 java.lang.String strName,
                                                 java.lang.String strDesc,
                                                 java.lang.String URI,
                                                 int uriType,
                                                 ConnectionInfo info)
    Inserts a JReport WebService-based connection object into the specified data source. JReport supports web services defined by WSDL 2.0 as data sources. You can add a web service data source to a catalog by importing a WSDL file. A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data. For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBC-ODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a connection is the gateway to the raw database.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    bUseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates how to connect to the database. if it is true, connects by the JDBC_ODBC bridge; otherwise, connects by JDBC driver.
    strName - Indicates the mapping name of the connection.
    strDesc - Indicates a String description for the connection
    URI - Indicates to use the URI or file location to connect to the WebService.
    uriType - Indicates to use a WSDL file on your local disk or through a URI.
    • WSDLTYPE_LOCALEFILE - If you want to use a WSDL file on your local disk.
    • WSDLTYPE_URI - If you want to use a WSDL file through a URI.
    info - Defines the properties of the connection, such as username and password.
    the handle of the newly inserted connection. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo()
    Gets connection information from the default data source.

    ConnectionInfo storing the connection properties


    public ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets connection information from the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    ConnectionInfo storing the connection properties


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String catalogName,
                                   java.lang.String schemaPattern,
                                   java.lang.String tablePattern,
                                   int type)
    Inserts a table or view into the data source.

    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    tablePattern - Indicates the table name of the table in the real database. And this name is also defined as mapping name in JReport database.
    type - Indicates the type of table in data source. Constants of the table type:
    • TABLE
    • VIEW
    • ALIAS
    the handle of the newly inserted object. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String catalogName,
                                   java.lang.String schemaPattern,
                                   java.lang.String tablePattern,
                                   int type,
                                   boolean setMappingName)
    Inserts a table or view into the data source.

    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    tablePattern - Indicates the table name of the table in the real database. And this name is also defined as the mapping name in JReport data source.
    type - Indicates the type of table in database. Constants of the table type:
    • TABLE
    • VIEW
    • ALIAS
    setMappingName - Indicates whether or not to set the mapping name of the field in the table as "tablePattern_fieldName".
    the handle of the newly inserted object. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String tableName,
                                   java.lang.String catalogName,
                                   java.lang.String schemaPattern,
                                   java.lang.String tablePattern,
                                   int type,
                                   boolean setMappingName)
    Inserts a table or view into the data source.

    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    tablePattern - Indicates the table name of the table in the real database. And this name is also defined as the mapping name in JReport data source.
    type - Indicates the type of table in database. Constants of the table type:
    • TABLE
    • VIEW
    • ALIAS
    setMappingName - Indicates whether or not to set the mapping name of the field in the table as "tablePattern_fieldName".
    the handle of the newly inserted object. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String tableName,
                                   java.lang.String catalogName,
                                   java.lang.String schemaPattern,
                                   java.lang.String tablePattern,
                                   int type,
                                   java.lang.String character)
    Inserts a table or view into the data source.

    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    tablePattern - Indicates the table name of the table in the real database. And this name is also defined as the mapping name in JReport database.
    type - Indicates the type of table in the data source. Constants of table type:
    • TABLE
    • VIEW
    • ALIAS
    character - The character which is used to connect table name and field Name as the mapping name (resource Name) of the field.
    the handle of the newly inserted object. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String tableName,
                                   java.lang.String catalogName,
                                   java.lang.String schemaPattern,
                                   java.lang.String tablePattern,
                                   int type,
                                   java.lang.String character)
    Inserts a table or view into the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    catalog - Indicates the catalog name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
    schema - Indicates the schema name of the table in the real database. if the table is defined as a 3-part name model; it must match the schema name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
    tablePattern - Indicates the table name of the table in the real database. And this name is also defined as the mapping name in JReport data source.
    type - Indicates the type of the table in the database. Constants of table type:
    • TABLE
    • VIEW
    • ALIAS
    character - The character which is used to connect table name and field Name as the mapping name (resource Name) of the field.
    the handle of the newly inserted object. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String[] getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets Primary keys of the table.

    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    a list of Primary keys string.


    public java.lang.String[] getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets Primary keys of the table in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    a list of Primary keys string.


    public java.lang.String[] getForeignKeys(java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets foreign keys of the table.

    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    a list of foreign keys string.


    public java.lang.String[] getForeignKeys(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets foreign keys of the table.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table.
    a list of foreign keys string.


    public java.lang.String insertCompCol(java.lang.String qryName,
                                          java.lang.String columnName,
                                          java.lang.String sExpression)
    Inserts a Computed Column into the query. The Computed Column is defined as a formula based on the field in the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    sExpression - Indicates the expression String of this computed column.
    the handle of the newly inserted column. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insertCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                          java.lang.String qryName,
                                          java.lang.String columnName,
                                          java.lang.String sExpression)
    Inserts a Computed Column into the query of the specified data source. The Computed Column is defined as a formula based on the field in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    sExpression - Indicates the expression String of this computed column.
    the handle of the newly inserted column. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public boolean deleteCompCol(java.lang.String qryName,
                                 java.lang.String columnName)
    Deletes the Computed Column from the query. The Computed Column is defined as a formula based on the field in the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    true if the specified Computed Column is removed from query; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                 java.lang.String qryName,
                                 java.lang.String columnName)
    Deletes the Computed Column from the query. The Computed Column is defined as a formula based on the field in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    true if the specified Computed Column is removed from query; false otherwise.


    public boolean setCompCol(java.lang.String qryName,
                              java.lang.String columnName,
                              java.lang.String sExpression)
    Modifies the Computed Column in the query. The new expression will be set to the Computed Column.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    sExpression - Indicates the new expression String of the computed column.
    true if the specified Computed Column is changed in query; false otherwise.


    public boolean setCompCol(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                              java.lang.String qryName,
                              java.lang.String columnName,
                              java.lang.String sExpression)
    Modifies the Computed Column in the query. The new expression will be set to the Computed Column.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    sExpression - Indicates the new expression String of the computed column.
    true if the specified Computed Column is changed in query; false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String qryName,
                                   QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo,
                                   QueryJoinInfo queryJoinInfo,
                                   QueryQBEInfo queryQBEInfo,
                                   QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)
    Inserts a query into the catalog.

    Relational databases typically contain many rows of data, with each row constituting a separate record. Most relational database queries retrieve only a portion of the records contained in a table. The WHERE clause qualifies the query command statement to limit the data to specific records from the tables.

    JReport Query's concept is similar to that in the database. The working objects a query can select include tables/views (DBFields), formulas or summaries, and parameters, and the tables/views it can select from are the mapped tables/views defined in a JReport catalog. In this way, a query is independent from the raw database. You can use queries to view, change and analyze data in different ways, and JReport can help you with the building of various professional reports based on queries.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    queryFieldInfo - Indicates the information of the table and fields in the query.
    queryJoinInfo - Indicates the joins information of the query.
    queryQBEInfo - Indicates the QBE(Query By Example) information of the query.
    queryAndInfo - Indicates the where condition information of the query.
    the handle of the newly inserted query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insert(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String qryName,
                                   QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo,
                                   QueryJoinInfo queryJoinInfo,
                                   QueryQBEInfo queryQBEInfo,
                                   QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)
    Inserts a query into the catalog.

    Relational databases typically contain many rows of data, with each row constituting a separate record. Most relational database queries retrieve only a portion of the records contained in a table. The WHERE clause qualifies the query command statement to limit the data to specific records from the tables.

    JReport Query's concept is similar to that in the database. The working objects a query can select include tables/views (DBFields), formulas or summaries, and parameters, and the tables/views it can select from are the mapped tables/views defined in a JReport catalog. In this way, a query is independent from the raw database. You can use queries to view, change and analyze data in different ways, and JReport can help you with the building of various professional reports based on queries.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    queryFieldInfo - Indicates the information of the table and fields in the query.
    queryJoinInfo - Indicates the joins information of the query.
    queryQBEInfo - Indicates the QBE(Query By Example) information of the query.
    queryAndInfo - Indicates the where condition information of the query.
    the handle of the newly inserted query. If fails, a null value will be returned.


    public java.lang.String insertXMLHDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                         java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String xmlPath,
                                         java.lang.String xsdPath)
    Inserts a hierarchical data sources (HDS) into the catalog. JReport supports hierarchical data sources (HDS). This feature uses the hierarchical data source API provided by JReport. In addition, as the XML technology has become a popular standard for data interchange on the web, JReport directly supports XML format data source by wrapping the provided HDS API. JReport's built-in classes can implement the XML format hierarchical data source interface. You can directly import an XML data source to a catalog.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of HDS.
    xmlPath - Indicates the full file path of imported XML file.
    xsdPath - Indicates the full file path of imported XSD file.
    the handle of the newly inserted HDS. If fails, a null value will be returned.
    JReport version 8


    public java.lang.String insertClassHDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                           java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String classPath,
                                           java.lang.String parameter)
    Inserts a hierarchical data sources (HDS) into the catalog. JReport supports hierarchical data sources (HDS). This feature uses the hierarchical data source API provided by JReport. You can develop your own classes to implement the HDS APIs, and then import your customized hierarchical data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of HDS.
    classPath - Indicates the full path of the class that implements HDS API.
    parameter - Indicates the values of the parameter that can be identified by the implementation class.
    the handle of the newly inserted HDS. If fails, a null value will be returned.
    JReport version 8


    public boolean deleteQuery(java.lang.String qryName)
    Deletes the query from the data source.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                               java.lang.String qryName)
    Deletes the query from the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tablename)
    Deletes the specified table in the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteQueryTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String qryName,
                                    java.lang.String tablename)
    Deletes the specified table in the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tablename,
                          java.lang.String columnname)
    Deletes the specified table's column in the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table to be deleted.
    columnname - Indicates the mapping name of the deleted field.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteQueryField(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String qryName,
                                    java.lang.String tablename,
                                    java.lang.String columnname)
    Deletes the specified table's column in the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - Indicates the mapping name of the table to be deleted.
    columnname - Indicates the mapping name of the deleted field.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tableFrom,
                          java.lang.String columnFrom,
                          java.lang.String operator,
                          java.lang.String tableTo,
                          java.lang.String columnTo)
    Deletes a join of the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tableFrom - The name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - The name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - The name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - The name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - The String operator of the join to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                          java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tableFrom,
                          java.lang.String columnFrom,
                          java.lang.String operator,
                          java.lang.String tableTo,
                          java.lang.String columnTo)
    Deletes a join in the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tableFrom - The name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - The name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - The name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - The name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - The operator of the join to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tablename,
                          java.lang.String columnname,
                          java.lang.String expression)
    Deletes the QBE condition in the query. The QBE(Query By Example) is a filter by which you can define certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database, so that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. A certain QBE maybe like: tablen.column (>)= XXX.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - The name of the table where the QBE condition is.
    columnname - The name of the column where the QBE condition is.
    expression - The expression of the QBE condition.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteQBE(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                             java.lang.String qryName,
                             java.lang.String tablename,
                             java.lang.String columnname,
                             java.lang.String expression)
    Deletes the QBE condition in the query. The QBE(Query By Example) is a filter by which you can define certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database, so that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. A certain QBE maybe like: tablen.column (>)= XXX.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tablename - The name of the table where the QBE condition is.
    columnname - The name of the column where the QBE condition is.
    expression - The expression of the QBE condition.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String sExpression1,
                          java.lang.String sOperator,
                          java.lang.String sExpression2,
                          java.lang.String sLogic)
    Deletes where conditions in the query. An example condition could be "sExpression1 sOperator sExpression2 sLogic". If the expression is a field in the query, it must be marked by "@". For example: "@Country = "USA" AND".

    qryName - Indicates the query name in which the where clause stored.
    sLogic - The logic string of the where condition to be deleted. The logic describes the relationship between this sentence and the next condition, such as "AND" and "OR".
    sExpression1 - The first expression of the where condition to be deleted.
    sOperator - The operator of the where condition to be deleted.
    sExpression2 - The second expression of the where condition to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteCondition(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String qryName,
                                   java.lang.String sExpression1,
                                   java.lang.String sOperator,
                                   java.lang.String sExpression2,
                                   java.lang.String sLogic)
    Deletes where conditions in the query. An example condition could be "sExpression1 sOperator sExpression2 sLogic". If the expression is a field in the query, it must be marked by "@". For example: "@Country = "USA" AND".

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of data source in catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the query name in which the where clause stored.
    sLogic - The logic string of the where condition to be deleted. The logic describes the relationship between this sentence and the next condition, such as "AND" and "OR".
    sExpression1 - The first expression of the where condition to be deleted.
    sOperator - The operator of the where condition to be deleted.
    sExpression2 - The second expression of the where condition to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          UnionInfo info)
    Deletes the "union query" of the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    info - Indicates the information of the union query to be deleted. If and only if this definition of the union query matches the existing one in the specified query, the union will be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                          java.lang.String qryName,
                          UnionInfo info)
    Deletes the "union query" of the query in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    info - Indicates the information of the union query to be deleted. If and only if this definition of the union query matches the existing one in the specified query, the union will be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String unionQuery,
                          boolean unionAll)
    Deletes the "union query" of the query in the data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    unionQuery - Indicates the mapping name of the union query to be deleted.
    unionAll - Specifies the "unionAll" status of the union query to be deleted. If true, all records will be returned; If false, no duplicate records will be returned.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean deleteUnionQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String qryName,
                                    java.lang.String unionQuery,
                                    boolean unionAll)
    Deletes the "union query" of the query in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    unionQuery - Indicates the mapping name of the union query to be deleted.
    unionAll - Specifies the "unionAll" status of the union query to be deleted. If true, all records will be returned; If false, no duplicate records will be returned.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setQueryTable(java.lang.String qryName,
                                 java.lang.String tablename,
                                 boolean selectAllFields)
    Adds a new table into the query of the data source.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table to be inserted.
    selectAllFields - Indicates whether or not to insert the table with all its fields.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setQueryTable(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                 java.lang.String qryName,
                                 java.lang.String tablename,
                                 boolean selectAllFields)
    Adds a new table into the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table to be inserted.
    selectAllFields - Indicates whether or not to insert the table with all its fields.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tablename,
                       java.lang.String columnname,
                       boolean isFormula)
    Adds a new table's field into the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table to be inserted. If isFormula is true, this is ignored.
    columnname - Indicates the column name of the table to be inserted. If isFormula is true, this is mapping name of the formula.
    isFormula - Indicates whether or not to insert a formula into the query.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tablename,
                       java.lang.String columnname,
                       boolean isFormula)
    Adds a new table's field into the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table to be inserted. If isFormula is true, this is ignored.
    columnname - Indicates the column name of the table to be inserted. If isFormula is true, this is mapping name of the formula.
    isFormula - Indicates whether or not to insert a formula into the query.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       JoinInfo joinInfo)
    Adds a new SQL join into the query of the data source. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    joinInfo - Defines a join definition to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       JoinInfo joinInfo)
    Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    joinInfo - Defines a join definition to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tableFrom,
                       java.lang.String columnFrom,
                       java.lang.String operator,
                       java.lang.String tableTo,
                       java.lang.String columnTo)
    Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tableFrom - The name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - The name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - The name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - The name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - Operator of the join to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setJoin(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                           java.lang.String qryName,
                           java.lang.String tableFrom,
                           java.lang.String columnFrom,
                           java.lang.String operator,
                           java.lang.String tableTo,
                           java.lang.String columnTo)
    Adds a new SQL join into the query of the specified data source. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source inthe catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tableFrom - The name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - The name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - The name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - The name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - Operator of the join to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setDistinctQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String queryName,
                                    boolean isDisTinct)
    set the distinct status of the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    isDisTinct - Indicates whether or not to set "distinct select" status of the query.
    true if the parameter is set successfully; otherwise false.


    public boolean isDistinctQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String queryName)
    Geta the distinct status of the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    true if the query is defined as distinct select; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tableFrom,
                       java.lang.String columnFrom,
                       java.lang.String operator,
                       java.lang.String tableTo,
                       java.lang.String columnTo,
                       boolean isSQL92,
                       int outerJoin)
    Adds a new join to the query. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tableFrom - Indicates the name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - Indicates the name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - Indicates the name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - Indicates the name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - Indicates the operator of the join to be inserted.
    isSQL92 - Indicates whether or not to apply SQL92 standard to the join sentence.
    outerJoin - Indicates the type of the outer join. Constants of Join type:
    • JoinInfo#LEFTOUTER
    • JoinInfo#RIGHTOUTER
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tableFrom,
                       java.lang.String columnFrom,
                       java.lang.String operator,
                       java.lang.String tableTo,
                       java.lang.String columnTo,
                       boolean isSQL92,
                       int outerJoin)
    Adds a new join to the query. It defines the relationships and creates joins among different tables in a query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    tableFrom - Indicates the name of the table from which the join links.
    columnFrom - Indicates the name of the column from which the join links.
    tableTo - Indicates the name of the table to which the join links.
    columnTo - Indicates the name of the column to which the join links.
    operator - Indicates the operator of the join to be inserted.
    isSQL92 - Indicates whether or not to apply SQL92 standard to the join sentence.
    outerJoin - Indicates the type of the outer join. Constants of Join type:
    • JoinInfo#LEFTOUTER
    • JoinInfo#RIGHTOUTER
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       QBEInfo qbeInfo)
    Adds a QBE condition into the query. The QBE(Query By Example) is a filter by which you can define certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database, so that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. A certain QBE maybe like: tablen.column (>)= XXX.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    qbeInfo - Indicates the QBE information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String tablename,
                       java.lang.String columnname,
                       java.lang.String expression)
    Adds a QBE condition into the query. The QBE(Query By Example) is a filter by which you can define certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database, so that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. A certain QBE maybe like: tablen.column (>)= XXX.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tablename - The name of the table where the QBE condition will be added.
    columnname - The name of the column where the QBE condition will be added.
    expression - The expression of the QBE condition.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setQBE(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                          java.lang.String qryName,
                          java.lang.String tablename,
                          java.lang.String columnname,
                          java.lang.String expression)
    Adds a QBE condition into the query. The QBE(Query By Example) is a filter by which you can define certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database, so that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. A certain QBE maybe like: tablen.column (>)= XXX.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    tablename - The name of the table where the QBE condition will be added.
    columnname - The name of the column where the QBE condition will be added.
    expression - The expression of the QBE condition.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionableQueries(java.lang.String queryname)
    Gets available query names that can be unioned to this query.

    queryname - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    a list of all available query names that can be unioned to this query.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionableQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                  java.lang.String queryname)
    Gets available query names that can be unioned to this query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryname - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    a list of all available query names that can be unioned to this query.


    public UnionInfos getUnionInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets union query information of a specified query

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    union query information.


    public UnionInfos getUnionInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets union query information of the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    union query information.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets unioned query names of the specified query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of union query names.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                              java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets unioned query names of the specified query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of union query names.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String queryName,
                                              boolean isUnionAll)
    Gets unioned query names of a specified query according to the union status

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    isUnionAll - Indicates the union status.
    a list of union query names.


    public java.lang.String[] getUnionQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                              java.lang.String queryName,
                                              boolean isUnionAll)
    Gets unioned query names of a specified query according to the union status

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    isUnionAll - Indicates the union status.
    a list of union query names.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       SubQueryInfo subqueryInfo)
    Adds a subquery into the query. The SQL sentence of the subquery will be merged into the where clause of the main query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    subqueryInfo - Indicates subquery's information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       SubQueryInfo subqueryInfo)
    Adds a subquery into the query of the specified data source. The SQL sentence of the subquery will be merged into the where clause of the main query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    subqueryInfo - The class defines the subquery's information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       UnionInfo unionInfo)
    Adds a union query into the specified query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    unionInfo - Union query information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       UnionInfo unionInfo)
    Adds a union query into the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    unionInfo - Union query information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       AndInfo andInfo)
    Adds a new and condition to the query.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    andInfo - "And" information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String qryName,
                       AndInfo andInfo)
    Adds a new and condition to the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    andInfo - "And" information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String qryName,
                       java.lang.String sExpression1,
                       java.lang.String sOperator,
                       java.lang.String sExpression2,
                       java.lang.String sLogic)
    Adds a new where condition into the query. The added sentence will append to the end of the existing whereclause in the query. And the sLogic parameter of this sentence will connect the next available condition; if it is null, it means the end of the query's whereclause.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    sLogic - The logic string of the where condition to be inserted.
    sExpression1 - The first expression of the where condition to be inserted.
    sOperator - The operator of the where condition to be inserted.
    sExpression2 - The second expression of the where condition to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean setCondition(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                java.lang.String qryName,
                                java.lang.String sExpression1,
                                java.lang.String sOperator,
                                java.lang.String sExpression2,
                                java.lang.String sLogic)
    Adds a new where condition to the specified query. The added sentence will append to the end of the existing whereclause in the query. And the sLogic parameter of this sentence will connect the next available condition; if it is null, it means the end of the query's whereclause.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query to be changed.
    sLogic - The logic string of the where condition to be inserted.
    sExpression1 - The first expression of the where condition to be inserted.
    sOperator - The operator of the where condition to be inserted.
    sExpression2 - The second expression of the where condition to be inserted.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String handle,
                       ParameterInfo info)
    Sets the parameter's information. It changes the definition of the parameter according to the new parameter information.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the parameter. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    info - Indicates the new parameter's information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean checkParam(ParameterInfo info)
    Checks whether or not the parameter's definition is valid.

    info - The definition of the parameter to be checked.
    true if the parameter is valid;false otherwise.


    public ParameterInfo getParameterInfo(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets the parameter's information. The information is the encapsulated definition of JReport Parameter.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the parameter. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    encapsulated definition of JReport Parameter.


    public SummaryInfo getSummaryInfo(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets the Summary's information. The information is the encapsulated definition of JReport Summary.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the Summary. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    the encapsulated definition of JReport Summary.


    public FormulaInfo getFormulaInfo(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets the Formula's information. The information is the encapsulated definition of JReport Formula.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the Formula. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    the encapsulated definition of JReport Formula.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String handle,
                       SummaryInfo info)
    Sets the Summary's information. It changes the definition of the Summary according to the new information.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the Summary. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    info - Indicates the new Summary information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean set(java.lang.String handle,
                       FormulaInfo info)
    Sets the Formula's information. It changes the definition of the Formula according to the new information.

    handle - Indicates the handle of the Formula. The handle is the unique ID of the object in the catalog.
    info - Indicates the new formula's information.
    true if inserted successfully; false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String parseFormulae()
    Parses all formulas in the data source. It will recompile all formulas as a java class/method.

    null if sccessful, otherwise returns error prompt text.


    public java.lang.String parseFormulae(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Parses all formulas in the specified data source. It will recompile all formulas as a java class/method.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    null if sccessful, otherwise returns error prompt text


    public java.lang.String parseFormula(FormulaInfo info)
    Parses a formula definition in the data source. It will recompile all formulas as a java class/method.

    info - The encapsulated definition of JReport Formula.
    null if successful, otherwise returns error prompt text.


    public java.lang.String parseFormula(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                         FormulaInfo info)
    Parses a formula definition in the data source. It will recompile all formulas as a java class/method.

    info - the encapsulated definition of JReport Formula.
    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    null if successful, otherwise returns error prompt text.


    public boolean isNameExist(java.lang.String name)
    Determines whether or not the resource entity exists in the catalog.

    name - Indicates the mapping name of the resource entity.
    true if the name exists; false otherwise.


    public boolean isNameExist(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                               java.lang.String name)
    Determines whether or not the resource entity exists in the specified data source of the catalog.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    name - Indicates the mapping name of the resource entity.
    true if the name exists; false otherwise.


    public boolean delete(java.lang.String handle)
    Deletes an object from the catalog.

    Specified by:
    delete in class API
    handle - Indicates the handle of the object to be deleted.
    true if deleted successfully; false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String[] getDBFields(java.lang.String qryName)
    Gets DBFields' mapping names that are defined in the query of the specified data source.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of the mapping names of the fields in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getDBFields(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                          java.lang.String qryName)
    Gets DBFields' mapping names that are defined in the query of the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of the mapping names of the fields in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulae()
    Gets all formulas' mapping names that are defined in the default datasource.

    a list of the mapping names of the formulas in the default data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulae(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all formulas' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of the formulas in the specified data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummaries()
    Gets all Summaries' mapping names that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of the Summaries in the default data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummaries(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all Summaries' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of the Summaries in the specified data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLs()
    Gets all Imported SQL queries' mapping names that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of Imported SQL queries in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all Imported SQL queries' mapping names that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of Imported SQL queries in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLColumns(java.lang.String sqlname)
    Gets all columns' real names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the default data source.

    sqlname - Indicates the mapping name of the Imported SQL query.
    a list of the names of the column defined in the Imported SQL query.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                            java.lang.String sqlname)
    Gets all columns' real names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    sqlname - Indicates the mapping name of the Imported SQL query.
    a list of the names of the columns defined in the Imported SQL query.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLColumnsMap(java.lang.String sqlname)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the default data source.

    sqlname - Indicates the mapping name of the Imported SQL query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the Imported SQL query.


    public java.lang.String[] getSQLColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                               java.lang.String sqlname)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Imported SQL query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    sqlname - Indicates the mapping name of the Imported SQL query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the Imported SQL query.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSs()
    Gets all mapping names of User Data Source(UDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.

    a list of the mapping names of UDS defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all mapping names of User Data Source(UDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of UDS defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getHDSs()
    Gets all mapping names of Hierarchical Data Sources (HDS) query that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of HDS defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getHDSs(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all mapping names of Hierarchical Data Sources (HDS) query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of HDS defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSColumns(java.lang.String udsname)
    Gets all column names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.

    udsname - Indicates the mapping name of the UDS query.
    a list of the names of the columns defined in the UDS query.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                            java.lang.String udsname)
    Gets all column names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    udsname - Indicates the mapping name of the UDS query.
    a list of the names of the columns defined in the UDS query.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSColumnsMap(java.lang.String udsname)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.

    udsname - Indicates the mapping name of the UDS query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the UDS query.


    public java.lang.String[] getUDSColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                               java.lang.String udsname)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified UDS query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    udsname - Indicates the mapping name of the UDS query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the UDS query.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcedureNames()
    Gets all mapping names of Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of Stored Procedure defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcedureNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all mapping names of Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of Stored Procedure defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcColumns(java.lang.String procedureName)
    Gets all column names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.

    procedureName - Indicates the mapping name of the Stored Procedure query.
    a list of the names of the columns defined in the Stored Procedure query.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             java.lang.String procedureName)
    Gets all column names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procedureName - Indicates the mapping name of the Stored Procedure query.
    a list of the names of the columns defined in the Stored Procedure query.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcColumnsMap(java.lang.String proceName)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the default data source.

    procedureName - Indicates the mapping name of the Stored Procedure query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the Stored Procedure query.


    public java.lang.String[] getProcColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                java.lang.String proceName)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the specified Stored Procedure query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procedureName - Indicates the mapping name of the Stored Procedure query.
    a list of the mapping names of the columns defined in the Stored Procedure query.


    public java.lang.String[] getParameter()
    Gets mapping names of the parameters defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of the parameters in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getParameter(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets mapping names of the parameters defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of the parameters in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getQueries()
    Gets all mapping names of the Query that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of the Query defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all mapping names of the Query that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of the Query defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTables()
    Gets all mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.

    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTables(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets all mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets all columns' real names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.

    tablename - Indicates the real name of the table.
    a list of the column names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String tablename,
                                              boolean isMapping)
    Gets all column names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.

    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the table. If true, the table's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the database.
    a list of the column names of the Table/View.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                              java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets all columns' real names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the real name of the table.
    a list of the names of the Table/View.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                              java.lang.String tablename,
                                              boolean isMapping)
    Gets all column names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the table. If true, the table's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the database.
    a list of the names of the Table/View.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.

    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String tablename,
                                                 boolean isMapping)
    Gets all columns' mappping names of the Table/View that are defined in the default data source.

    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the table. If true, the table's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the data source.
    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                 java.lang.String tablename)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getTableColumnsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                 java.lang.String tablename,
                                                 boolean isMapping)
    Gets all columns' mapping names of the Table/View that are defined in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    tablename - Indicates the name of the table.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the table. If true, the table's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the data source.
    a list of the mapping names of the Table/View defined in the data source.


    public java.lang.String[] getSPFields(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                          java.lang.String procedureName,
                                          boolean isMapping)
    Gets field names of the specified stored procedure's fields.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procedureName - Indicates the name of the Stored Procedure query.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the stored procedure. If true, the stored procedure's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the database.
    a list of the real names of the stored procedure defined in the database.


    public java.lang.String[] getSPFieldsMap(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             java.lang.String procedureName,
                                             boolean isMapping)
    Gets mapping names of the specified stored procedure's fields.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    procedureName - Indicates the name of the Stored Procedure query.
    isMapping - Indicates whether or not to use the mapping name to identify the stored procedure. If true, the stored procedure's name is the mapping name; if false, it is the real name in the database.
    a list of the mapping names of the fields of the stored procedure.


    public java.lang.String[] getTables(boolean bIncludeSystemTable)
    Gets tables and views in the data source

    bIncludeSystemTable - Indicates whether or not to include the database system tables in the return name list.
    a list of the real names of the table.


    public java.lang.String[] getTables(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                        boolean bIncludeSystemTable)
    Gets tables and views in the specified datasource.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    bIncludeSystemTable - Indicates whether or not to include the database system tables in the return name list.
    a list of the real names of the table.


    public QueryTableInfo getColumns(java.lang.String queryName,
                                     boolean allColumns)
    Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    allColumns - Indicates where or not to include all columns that are defined in the selected database tables.
    the definitions of the tables and columns in the query.


    public QueryTableInfo getColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                     java.lang.String queryName,
                                     boolean allColumns)
    Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    allColumns - Indicates where or not to include all columns that are defined in the selected database tables.
    the definitions of the tables and columns in the query.


    public QueryTableInfo getMapColumns(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the definitions of the tables and columns in the query.


    public QueryTableInfo getMapColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                        java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets definitions of all tables and columns in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the definitions of the tables and columns in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getCompColumns(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets computed columns in the query

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    computed columns' mapping names defined in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getCompColumns(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets computed columns in the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    computed columns' mapping names defined in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getCompColumnHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                   java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets handles of the computed columns in the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of of the computed column handles.


    public java.lang.String[][] getJoins(java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. Replaced by getJoinInfos(String queryName) Gets joins definition in the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of join information. Note: The join information presents as a String[n][7].
     String[i][0] = Table "From" Name, 
     String[i][1] = Column "From" Name, 
     String[i][2] = Table "To" Name,
     String[i][3] = Column "To" Name
     String[i][4] = operator
     String[i][5] = string value of isSQL92
     String[i][6] = string value of outer join type


    public java.lang.String[][] getJoins(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                         java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. Replaced by getJoinInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName) Gets joins definition in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of data source in catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of join information. Note: The join information presents as a String[n][7].
     String[i][0] = Table "From" Name, 
     String[i][1] = Column "From" Name, 
     String[i][2] = Table "To" Name,
     String[i][3] = Column "To" Name
     String[i][4] = operator
     String[i][5] = string value of isSQL92
     String[i][6] = string value of outer join type


    public JoinInfo[] getJoinInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets joins' definitions in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    Joins' definitions.


    public JoinInfo[] getJoinInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                   java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets joins' definitions in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    Joins' definitions.


    public java.lang.String[][] getQBEInfo(java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. -Replaced by getQBEInfos(String queryName) Gets QBE information in the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of QBE information. Note:The QBE information presents as a String[n][3].
     String[i][0] = table Name,  
     String[i][1] = column Name, 
     String[i][2] = condition expression of this column.


    public java.lang.String[][] getQBEInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                           java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. Replaced by getQBEInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName) Gets QBE information in the query

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of QBE information. Note:The QBE information presents as a String[n][3].
     String[i][0] = table Name,  
     String[i][1] = column Name, 
     String[i][2] = condition expression of this column.


    public QBEInfo[] getQBEInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets "QBE" condition information of the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of QBEInfos.


    public QBEInfo[] getQBEInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                 java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets "QBE" condition information of the query in the specified data source.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of QBEInfos.


    public java.lang.String[] getSubQueries(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets the "subquery" names of the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of subquery names.


    public java.lang.String[] getSubQueries(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                            java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets "subquery" names of the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of subquery names.


    public java.lang.String[][] getAndConditions(java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. Replaced by getAndInfos(String queryName)

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of condition informations. Note:The information presents as a String[n][4].
     String[i][0] = "Logic",
     String[i][1] =  "Expression1",
     String[i][2] = "Operator",
     String[i][3] = "Expression2".


    public java.lang.String[][] getAndConditions(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                 java.lang.String queryName)
    Deprecated. -Replaced by getAndInfos(String dataSourceName, String queryName)

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of data source in catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    a list of condition informations. Note:The information presents as a String[n][4].
     String[i][0] = "Logic",
     String[i][1] =  "Expression1",
     String[i][2] = "Operator",
     String[i][3] = "Expression2".


    public AndInfo[] getAndInfos(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets "And" filter condition information of the query

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    AndInfo array


    public AndInfo[] getAndInfos(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                 java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets "And" filter condition information of the query in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    AndInfos array.


    public java.lang.String[] getColumnMappingnames(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets all columns' mapping names in the query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    array of the columns' mapping names in the query.


    public java.lang.String[] getColumnMappingnames(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                    java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets all columns' mapping names in the query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    array of the columns' mapping names in the query.


    public QueryTableInfo getColumnsCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets columns in the query which can be used to group data in the report. Generally, they are the fields in the query, UDS, Stored Procedure, or Import SQL.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the QueryTableInfo that contains all matching columns.


    public QueryTableInfo getColumnsCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                   java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets columns in the query which can be used to group data in the report. Generally, they are the fields in the query, UDS, Stored Procedure, or Import SQL.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the QueryTableInfo that contains all matching columns.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulaeForQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query. The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are constants or the valid fields in the specified query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulaeForQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                  java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query. The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are constants or the valid fields in the specified query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummariesForQuery(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets Summaries which are valid to the query. The "valid" means that the summaries and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the Summary names.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummariesForQuery(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                   java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets Summaries which are valid to the query. The "valid" means that the summaries and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the Summary names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on. The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulasCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                        java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String queryName,
                                                        java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field. The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - The groupBy field name.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                        java.lang.String queryName,
                                                        java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets formulas which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field. The "valid" means that the formulas and their referred fields are the valid fields in the specified query.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - The groupBy field name.
    the formula names.


    public java.lang.String[] getChartFunctions(java.lang.String queryName,
                                                java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets formulas and summaries which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - The groupBy field name.
    the formula and summary names.


    public java.lang.String[] getChartFunctions(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                java.lang.String queryName,
                                                java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets formulas and summaries which are valid to the query and can be grouped on this field.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - The groupBy field name.
    the formula and summary names.


    public java.lang.String[] getParameterCanBeGroupedBy()
    Gets parameters which can be used to group by in the report from the default data source. Only the parameter of String type can be used to group by in the report.

    parameter names array which can be grouped by in the report.


    public java.lang.String[] getParameterCanBeGroupedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets parameters which can be used to group by in the report from the specified data source. Only the parameter of String type can be used to group by in the report.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    parameter names array which can be grouped by in the report.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummaryCanBeSortedBy(java.lang.String queryName,
                                                      java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets the summaries which can be sorted by in a report group.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - Indicates the mapping name of the groupBy field.
    summary names array which can be sorted by in a report group.


    public java.lang.String[] getSummaryCanBeSortedBy(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                      java.lang.String queryName,
                                                      java.lang.String groupBy)
    Gets the summaries which can be sorted by in a report group.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    groupBy - Indicates the mapping name of the groupBy field.
    summary names array which can be sorted by in a report group.


    public java.lang.String[] getMappingnames(java.lang.String DSName)
    Gets the fields' mapping names in the data source.

    DSName - The data source object's mapping name, such as Query, SQL, UDS, or Procedure.
    the columns' mapping names.


    public java.lang.String[] getMappingnames(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                              java.lang.String DSName)
    Gets the fields' mapping names in the data source of a specified data source

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    DSName - The data source object's mapping name, such as Query, SQL, UDS, or Procedure.
    the columns' mapping names.


    public java.lang.String mapFunction(int function)
    Converts aggregate function type from number to String.

    function - the int value of function type.
    See Also:


    public boolean isModified()
    Checks whether or not the catalog has been modified.

    true if the catalog has been modified; false otherwise.


    public void setModified(boolean isModified)
    Sets the modifying status of the Catalog.

    isModified - true if the catalog has been modified; false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String getQuoteChar()
    Gets the quote char from the JDBC connection.

    the String value of the quote char from the JDBC connection.


    public java.lang.String getQuoteChar(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets the quote char from the JDBC connection.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    the String value of the quote char from the JDBC connection.


    public java.lang.String getHandle(java.lang.String resourceName,
                                      int type)
    Gets the handle of an object according to the object's mapping name and object type, which can identify the object in the catalog. Mapping name is not the unique name of the object in the catalog.

    resourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the object in the catalog.
    type - indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.
  • Returns:
    a String specifying the handle of the object.
    See Also:
    getHandle(String, String, int)


    public java.lang.String getHandle(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                      java.lang.String resourceName,
                                      int type)
    Gets the handle of an object according to the object's mapping name and object type in the specified data source in JReport catalog, which can identify the object in the catalog. Mapping name is not the unique name of the object in the catalog.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source to get the object's handle. If it is null or "", it means it is the default data source in the catalog.
    resourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the object in the specified data source.
    type - Indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.
  • Returns:
    null if there is no matching object, otherwise returns a String specifying the handle of the object.


    public java.lang.String[] getFunctions(java.lang.String resourceName)
    Gets available embedded function names according to the field mapping name. The method gets functions according to the field's SQL type. The field can be the table's column, formula, or parameter.

    resourceName - Indicates field mapping name.
    String array of function names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFunctions(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                           java.lang.String resourceName)
    Gets available embedded function names according to the field mapping name in the specified data source. The method gets functions according to the field's SQL type. The field can be the table's column, formula, or parameter.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source. If it is null or "", it means it is the default data source in the catalog.
    resourceName - Indicates field mapping name.
    String array of function names.


    public java.lang.String[] getFunctions(int iType)
    Gets available embedded function names according to SQL type.

    iType - Int value of SQL type.
    array of function names.


    public void rename(java.lang.String resourceName,
                       java.lang.String newName,
                       int type)
    Renames the specified object.

    resourceName - Resource name(mapping name) of the object.
    newName - New resource name of the object.
    type - Indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.

  • rename

    public void rename(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                       java.lang.String resourceName,
                       java.lang.String newName,
                       int type)
    Renames the mapping name of the specified object.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    resourceName - Resource name(mapping name) of the object.
    newName - New resource name of the object.
    type - Indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.

  • getObjectInfo

    public ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String resourceName,
                                    int type)
    Gets resource entity's information of an object in catalog. The ObjectInfo defines the object's pairs of properties and values.

    resourceName - Mapping name of the entity.
    type - Indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.
  • Returns:
    ObjectInfo object which contains property names and values of the entity.


    public ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                    java.lang.String resourceName,
                                    int type)
    Gets resource entity's information of an object in the catalog. The ObjectInfo defines the object's pairs of properties and values.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    resourceName - Mapping name of the entity.
    type - Indicates the type of the object by constant object type value. The CatalogAPI class provides a number of convenient constants that you can use to specify catalog objects. For example,
  • VIEW
  • UDS
  • BUSINESSLOGIC - The businesslogic of JReport also named Business/Report Cube.
  • Returns:
    ObjectInfo object which contains property names and values of the entity.


    public ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets resource entity's information of an object in the catalog. The ObjectInfo defines the object's pairs of properties and values.

    handle - The handle of the resource entity.
    ObjectInfo object which contains property names and values of the entity.


    public int getSQLType(java.lang.String query,
                          java.lang.String colName)
    Gets sql type of a query column.

    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    int value of java sql type of the column.


    public int getSQLType(java.lang.String sourceName,
                          java.lang.String query,
                          java.lang.String colName)
    Gets sql type of a query column.

    sourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    qryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    columnName - Indicates the mapping name of the computed column.
    int value of java sql type of the column.


    public java.lang.String getSQLString(java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets sql statement text of a queriable object.

    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    sql statement string.


    public java.lang.String getSQLString(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                         java.lang.String queryName)
    Gets sql statement text of a queriable object.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryName - Indicates the mapping name of the query.
    sql statement string.


    public java.lang.String[] getDataSources()
    Gets all Data Source names in the catalog.

    the mapping name array of the data source.


    public java.lang.String getBLNodeQualifyName(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets BusinessLogic node's qualified name. Here the BusinessLogic also means the Business/Report Cube and Business View. The qualified name is a unique ID for every JReport BusinessLogic object in BusinessLogic container.

    handle - The handle of the Business Logic object.
    BusinessLogic node's qualified name.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLCategoryHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) category handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business Logic object.
    handles string array of Category of the Business Logic node.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinesViewCategoryHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business View category handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business View object.
    handles string array of the Business View Category.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLHierarchyHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - Handle of the Business Logic.
    handles string array of Hierarchy.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLDetailHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail Information handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business Logic object.
    handles string array of the detail information.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewDetailHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business View detail handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - Business View node handle.
    handles string array of the Business View detail.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLDimensionHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business Logic object.
    handles string array of Dimension.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewGroupHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business View Group handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business View object.
    handles string array of the Business View Group.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLMeasureHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business Logic object.
    handles string array of the Measure.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewAggregationHandles(java.lang.String handle)
    Gets Business View Aggregation handles in the specified Business Logic node.

    handle - The handle of the Business View object.
    handles string array of the Aggregation.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) handles in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    handles of the Business Logic entity.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets Business View handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    handles of the Business View entity.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                               int queryType)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryType - Indicates the int value of the query type. The query type is:
    • QUERY
    • UDS
    handles of the Business Logic entity.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewHandles(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                     int queryType)
    Gets Business View handles by the specified query type in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryType - Indicates the int value of the query type. The query type is:
    • QUERY
    • UDS
    handles of the Business View entity.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) names in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    name of the Business Logic's entity.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName)
    Gets Business View names in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    name of the Business Views' entity.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBLViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                             int queryType)
    Gets Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) names in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryType - Indicates the int value of the query type. The query type is:
    • QUERY
    • UDS
    name of Business Logic entity.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessViewNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                   int queryType)
    Gets Business View names in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queryType - Indicates the int value of the query type. The query type is:
    • QUERY
    • UDS
    name of Business Views' entity.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String[] getBusinessNodeNames(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                                   java.lang.String businessViewName)
    Gets business node names of the specified Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) in the specified data source.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    businessViewName - Indicates the Business Logic's qualified name.
    qualified name of the Business Logic nodes.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessView(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                               java.lang.String queriableName,
                                               java.lang.String businessViewName)
    Inserts a Business Logic into the specified queriable object. The Business Logic of JReport is also called Business cube or Report cube.

    A business cube is based on tables and views, while a report cube is based on a query, stored procedure, imported SQL file, or user defined data source. In this method, if queriableName is a valid name of an existing queriable object, it will create a report cube; if it is null or does not exist, a business cube will be created automatically.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queriableName - The queriable object's mapping name. The queriable object in JReport catalog could be a Query, UDS, Stored Procedure or Imported SQL.
    businessViewName - The new Business Logic name.
    handle of Business Logic.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessView(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                               java.lang.String queriableName,
                                               java.lang.String businessViewName,
                                               boolean isLogicView)
    Inserts a Business Logic/View into the specified queriable object. The Business Logic of JReport is also called Business cube or Report cube.

    A business cube is based on tables and views, while a report cube is based on a query, stored procedure, imported SQL file, or user defined data source. In this method, if queriableName is a valid name of existing queriable object, it will create a report cube; if it is null or does not exist, a business cube will be created automatically. Business views are used as data sources for web reports and library components. A Business View provides report users with a business-oriented view of their data and formulas in a query based data source. It contains database connections and relationships between view elements that are required for creating web reports and library components. Business views resemble report cubes except that there is no hierarchical relationship between the data objects in Business Views.

    dataSourceName - Indicates the mapping name of the data source in the catalog.
    queriableName - Queriable object name.
    businessViewName - New Business View name.
    isLogicView - Indicates whether to insert a Business Logic or a Business View. If it is true, a Business Logic will be created, otherwise, a Business View will be created.
    handle of the created object.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String insertBLCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                             BLCategoryInfo info)
                                      throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business Logic Category object into the specified container. The BusinessLogic of JReport is also called Business cube or Report cube.

    Categories are the main tools for organizing data. They are components which correspond to particular collections of data in the data source. They are grouped in folders that are named to reflect information collections. A category can contain several subcategories.

    Organizing data required by a user into multiple categories or multiple levels of categories is meaningful, and makes it easy to use. End users can use categories to find data elements they need to use without knowing the underlying table names although sometimes the table names are used as categories.

    parentHandle - Handle of parent object.
    info - The definition class of Category information. The info can contain its children's definition information.
    handle of Business Logic Category.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessViewCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                                       BLCategoryInfo info)
                                                throws DesignerErrorException
    Deprecated. Inserts a Business View Category object into the specified object.

    Categories are the main tools for organizing data. They are components which correspond to particular collections of data in the data source. They are grouped in folders that are named to reflect information collections. A category can contain several subcategories.

    Organizing data required by a user into multiple categories or multiple levels of categories is meaningful, and makes it easy to use. End users can use categories to find data elements they need to use without knowing the underlying table names although sometimes the table names are used as categories.

    parentHandle - Handle of the parent object.
    info - The definition class of Category information. The info can contain its children's definition information.
    handle of Business View Category.
    JReport version 8.
    See Also:
    insertBusinessViewCategory(String parentHandle, BusinessViewCategoryInfo info)


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessViewCategory(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                                       BusinessViewCategoryInfo info)
                                                throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business View Category object into the specified object.

    Categories are the main tools for organizing data. They are components which correspond to particular collections of data in the data source. They are grouped in folders that are named to reflect information collections. A category can contain several subcategories.

    Organizing data required by a user into multiple categories or multiple levels of categories is meaningful, and makes it easy to use. End users can use categories to find data elements they need to use without knowing the underlying table names although sometimes the table names are used as categories.

    parentHandle - The handle of the parent container object. The parent should be a Category, or a Business View root object.
    info - The definition class of Category information. The info can contain its children's definition information.
    handle of Business View Category.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBLDetail(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                           BLDetailInfo info)
                                    throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a BusinessLogic (also named Business/Report Cube) Detail information object into the specified container object Detail information objects provide additional information. It can be bound to a database field, group object, aggregation object or category/subcategory. Detail objects are used for displaying detailed field values such as address and phone number for a customer in a table or banded object. Detail objects cannot be used in crosstabs and charts.

    parentHandle - The handle of the parent container object. The parent should be a Category, Dimension, or a Measure
    info - The definition class of the detail information.
    handle of BusinessLogic Detail.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessViewDetail(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                                     BVDetailInfo info)
                                              throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business View Detail object into the specified container object. Detail objects provide additional information. It can be bound to a database field, group object, aggregation object or category/subcategory. Detail objects are used for displaying detailed field values such as address and phone number for a customer in a table. Detail objects can not be used in crosstabs and charts.

    parentHandle - The handle of the parent container object. The parent should be a Category, Group, or a Aggregation
    info - The definition class of the detail information.
    handle of the Business View detail.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String insertBLMeasure(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                            BLMeasureInfo info)
                                     throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Measure objectinto the specified object. Measure objects are numeric cube elements that are calculated dynamically at run time. Measures can be used alone or calculated with other fields. A measure object can be inserted wherever a summary can be inserted. For instance, it can be inserted into the group header or footer panel in a table or banded object, or into a crosstab as an aggregate field. A measure object can also be used as a detail field in a banded object or table although it will display the same aggregate value for every detail line. JReport calculates values based on the group level at which the measure object is inserted such as total sales, average order size and number of orders from a customer.

    parentHandle - Handle of the parent object.
    info - The definition class of the measure object.
    handle of the Business Logic measure.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessViewAggregation(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                                          BVAggregationInfo info)
                                                   throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business View Aggregation object into the specified object. Aggregation objects are numeric view elements that are calculated at run time based on the group objects in the report. Aggregations can be used alone or calculated with other fields. An aggregation object can be inserted wherever summaries can be inserted. For example, aggregations can be inserted in the group header or footer panel of a table, as an aggregate field in a crosstab, or as the value in a chart. JReport calculates values based on the group level at which the aggregation object is inserted such as total sales, average order size and number of orders from a customer.

    parentHandle - Handle of the parent object.
    info - The definition class of the Aggregation.
    handle of the Business View Aggregation.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String insertBLDimension(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                              BLDimensionInfo info)
                                       throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Dimension object into the specified object. Dimension objects are cube elements that are the basis for analysis in a report. They present the availability and key performance of data, and characteristically return text data or dates, and answer the following question: who, when, what, where and which. A dimension object can be inserted wherever a field can be inserted, as a column or row in a crosstab, or as a group field or detail field in a table or banded object or as a category or series in a chart. They may be based on DBFields such as region and country or they could be based on formulas such as the year, quarter, or month portion of a date field.

    parentHandle - Handle of the parent object.
    info - The definition class of the Dimension object.
    handle of the Business Logic dimension.
    JReport version 8.


    public java.lang.String insertBusinessViewGroup(java.lang.String parentHandle,
                                                    BVGroupInfo info)
                                             throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business View Group object into the specified object. Group objects are view elements that are the basis for organizing data in a report. They present the availability and key performance of data, and characteristically return text data or dates, and answer the following question: who, when, what, where and which. A group object can be inserted wherever a field can be inserted, as a column or row in a crosstab, or as a group field or detail field in a table or as a category or series in a chart. They may be based on DBFields such as region and country or they could be based on formulas such as the year, quarter, or month portion of a date field.

    parentHandle - Handle of the parent object.
    info - The definition class of the Group object.
    handle of the Business View Group.
    JReport version 9.1.


    public java.lang.String insertBLHierarchy(java.lang.String blViewHandle,
                                              BLHierarchyInfo info)
                                       throws DesignerErrorException
    Inserts a Business Logic (also named Business/Report Cube) Hierarchy object into the specified object. Hierarchies can be defined in a business/report cube to allow users to drill report data down to particular dimensions in JReport Viewer.

    blViewHandle - Handle of the business logic view.
    info - The definition class of the Hierarchy object.
    handle of the Business Logic Hierarchy.
    JReport version 8.


    public boolean updateUDS(java.lang.String userDataSourceName)
    Updates UDS in the default Data Source of the Catalog.

    userDataSourceName - Indicates User Data Source's mapping name.
    true if the UDS is updated successfully; false otherwise.


    public boolean updateUDS(java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                             java.lang.String userDataSourceName)
    Updates UDS in the specified Data Source of the Catalog.

    dataSourceName - Specifies the Data Source Name.
    userDataSourceName - Specifies the User Data Source Name.
    If updated successfully, return true; else returns false.


    public boolean refreshReference()
    Creates a new or refreshes an existing CrossReference with CrossReferenceConfigure.

    true if the CrossReference is created or refreshed successfully;false otherwise.


    public boolean setDefaultDataSource(java.lang.String datasourceName)
    Sets the specified data source as the default data source.

    true if the data source is set as default successfully;false otherwise.


    public java.lang.String getDefaultDataSourceName()
    Gets the data source name of the default data source.

    the default data source name.