Class DisplayNameInfo

  extended by jet.api.DisplayNameInfo

public class DisplayNameInfo
extends java.lang.Object

The DisplayNameInfo defines the DisplayName object for field in Dataset.

In JReport Viewer, you can drill around report data, sort report data on certain fields, search a report for some text, and filter the report data using filter conditions. When you perform these operations, you will be working with field mapping names. However, with just the field mapping names, you may find it inconvenient for end users, especially when the field mapping name is obscure. To help you, JReport provides a display name customizing function for you to define the column names as required, and also to specify the actions which the display names will take part in.

Constructor Summary
DisplayNameInfo(java.lang.String resourceName)
DisplayNameInfo(java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String displayName, boolean sort, boolean filter, boolean drill, boolean search)
          Constructs a DisplayName object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Gets the display name of the field.
 java.lang.String getResourceName()
          Gets the mapping name of the field.
 boolean isDrill()
          Gets whether or not to show the field in Drill list.
 boolean isFilter()
          Gets whether or not to show the field in Filter list.
 boolean isFormulaed()
          Specifies whether the display field is a formula or not.
 boolean isSearch()
          Gets whether or not to show the field in Search list.
 boolean isSort()
          Gets whether or not to show the field in Sort list.
 void setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
          Sets the display name of the field.
 void setDrill(boolean drill)
          Sets whether or not to show the field in Drill list.
 void setFilter(boolean filter)
          Sets whether or not to show the field in Filter list.
 void setFormulaed(boolean formulaed)
          Specifies whether the display field is a formula or not.
 void setGroupSort(java.lang.String groupName, boolean sortOn)
          Sets sort option in group field.
 void setSearch(boolean search)
          Sets whether or not to show the field in Search list.
 void setSort(boolean sort)
          Sets whether or not to show the field in Sort list.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DisplayNameInfo(java.lang.String resourceName,
                       java.lang.String displayName,
                       boolean sort,
                       boolean filter,
                       boolean drill,
                       boolean search)
Constructs a DisplayName object.

resourceName - Specifies the mapping name of the field.
displayName - Specifies the display name of the field.
sort - Specifies whether or not to show the field in Sort list.
filter - Specifies whether or not to show the field in Filter list.
drill - Specifies whether or not to show the field in Drill list.
search - Specifies whether or not to show the field in Search list.


public DisplayNameInfo(java.lang.String resourceName)
resourceName - Resource name.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Gets the display name of the field.

the display name of the field.


public void setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName)
Sets the display name of the field.

displayName - The display name of the field.


public boolean isDrill()
Gets whether or not to show the field in Drill list.

true if the field is to be shown in Drill list; false otherwise.


public void setDrill(boolean drill)
Sets whether or not to show the field in Drill list.

drill - true if the field is to be shown in Drill list; false otherwise.


public boolean isFilter()
Gets whether or not to show the field in Filter list.

true if the field is to be shown in Filter list; false otherwise.


public void setFilter(boolean filter)
Sets whether or not to show the field in Filter list.

filter - true if the field is to be shown in Filter list; false otherwise.


public boolean isSearch()
Gets whether or not to show the field in Search list.

true if the field is to be shown in Search list; false otherwise.


public void setSearch(boolean search)
Sets whether or not to show the field in Search list.

search - true if the field is to be shown in Search list; false otherwise.


public boolean isSort()
Gets whether or not to show the field in Sort list.

true if the field is to be shown in Sort list; false otherwise.


public void setSort(boolean sort)
Sets whether or not to show the field in Sort list.

sort - true if the field is to be shown in Sort list; false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getResourceName()
Gets the mapping name of the field.

the mapping name of the field.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public boolean isFormulaed()
Specifies whether the display field is a formula or not.

true if the field is a formula; false otherwise.


public void setFormulaed(boolean formulaed)
Specifies whether the display field is a formula or not.

true - if the field is a formula; false otherwise.


public void setGroupSort(java.lang.String groupName,
                         boolean sortOn)
Sets sort option in group field. For a grouped banded object or table, you can also choose to sort the groups at certain group level based on a specified field in each group in JReport Viewer. Here you can decide whether to enable this Sort in Group action on the fields.

groupName - The mapping name of the groupby field.
sortOn - Whether to enable this Sort in Group action on the field.