Interface JRHierarchicalDataSource

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface JRHierarchicalDataSource

A JRHierarchicalDataSource provides data for JReport to generate reports. JRHierarchicalDataSource class is developed by users of JReport, and it can provide data from a flat file, non-relational database, or application data. The data returned by this class is in JRHierarchicalDataset object, so users need to create JRHierarchicalDataset instance and JReport will use the instance to fetch data. Users can also create their own JRHierarchicalDataset class.

Method Summary
 JRHierarchicalDataset getHierarchicalDataset(java.lang.String param)
          Gets the data in JRHierarchicalDataset according to parameters.
 void releaseHierarchicalDataset()
          Releases the data and related resources.
 void setUsedFields(UFakeHDSTable root)
          JReport Engine sends the used database fields back after parsing the entire report template.

Method Detail


JRHierarchicalDataset getHierarchicalDataset(java.lang.String param)
                                             throws JRUserDataSourceException
Gets the data in JRHierarchicalDataset according to parameters.

param - the parameter as input to specify the data.
the JRHierarchicalDataset object, refer to jet.datasource.JRHierarchicalDataset.
JRUserDataSourceException - if a data access error occurs.


void releaseHierarchicalDataset()
                                throws JRUserDataSourceException
Releases the data and related resources.

JRUserDataSourceException - if a data access error occurs.


void setUsedFields(UFakeHDSTable root)
JReport Engine sends the used database fields back after parsing the entire report template. Users should organize the data according to this tree structure. Note here, there is a map relationship in this tree structure between column name and column index.

refer - to jet.universe.engine.UFakeHDSTable.