Package jet.formula

Class Summary
fArray This class and its subclasses implement the array data type in formula or represent a multiple-value parameter.
fBoolArray The internal representative of the boolean array data type of the JetReport Formula.
fBoolRange The internal representative of the boolean range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fCurArray The internal representative of the currency range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fCurRange The internal representative of the currency range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fCurrency The internal representative of the currency data type of the JReport Formula.
fDateArray The internal representative of the number array data type of the JetReport Formula.
fDateRange The internal representative of the date range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fDateTimeArray The internal representative of the number array data type of the JetReport Formula.
fDateTimeRange The internal representative of the datetime range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fImage Represents the image data type of JReport formula.
fIntRange The internal representative of the integer range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fNumArray The internal representative of the number array data type of the JetReport Formula.
fNumRange The internal representative of the number range data type of the JetReport Formula.
formula this class is a tool for parsing formula to generate runcode of this formula
fRange Range is a special data type of formula variable which is mainly used to specify the index of the sub-array of an array.
fStrArray The internal representative of the string array data type of the JetReport Formula.
fStrRange The internal representative of the string range data type of the JetReport Formula.
fText Represents the longString data type of JReport formula.
fTimeRange The internal representative of the time range data type of the JetReport Formula.