Class ChartLocInfo

  extended by

public class ChartLocInfo
extends java.lang.Object

Contains the information of chart location in the file.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a ChartLocInfo object with the default parameters.
ChartLocInfo(short left, short leftOffset, int top, short topOffset, short right, short rightOffset, int bottom, short bottomOffset)
          Constructs a ChartLocInfo class and sets its fields appropriately.
Method Summary
 int getBottom()
          Gets the bottom row index of chart in the excel.
 short getBottomOffset()
          Gets the bottom row offset of chart in the excel.
 short getLeft()
          Gets the left column index of chart in the excel.
 short getLeftOffset()
          Gets the left column offset of chart in the excel.
 short getRight()
          Gets the right column index of chart in the excel.
 short getRightOffset()
          Gets the right column offset of chart in the excel.
 int getTop()
          Gets the top row index of chart in the excel.
 short getTopOffset()
          Gets the top row offset of chart in the excel.
 void setBottom(int bottom)
          Sets the bottom row index of chart in the excel.
 void setBottomOffset(short bottomOffset)
          Sets the bottom row offset of chart in the excel.
 void setLeft(short left)
          Sets the left column index of chart in the excel.
 void setLeftOffset(short leftOffset)
          Sets the left column offset of chart in the excel.
 void setRight(short right)
          Sets the right column index of chart in the excel.
 void setRightOffset(short rightOffset)
          Sets the right column offset of chart in the excel.
 void setTop(int top)
          Sets the top row index of chart in the excel.
 void setTopOffset(short topOffset)
          Sets the top row offset of chart in the excel.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChartLocInfo()
Constructs a ChartLocInfo object with the default parameters.


public ChartLocInfo(short left,
                    short leftOffset,
                    int top,
                    short topOffset,
                    short right,
                    short rightOffset,
                    int bottom,
                    short bottomOffset)
Constructs a ChartLocInfo class and sets its fields appropriately.

left - the left column index of chart in the excel
leftOffset - the left column offset of chart in the excel
right - the right column index of chart in the excel
rightOffset - the right column offset of chart in the excel
top - the top row index of chart in the excel
topOffset - the top row offset of chart in the excel
bottom - the bottom row index of chart in the excel
bottomOffset - the bottom row offset of chart in the excel
Method Detail


public void setLeft(short left)
Sets the left column index of chart in the excel.


public short getLeft()
Gets the left column index of chart in the excel.


public void setLeftOffset(short leftOffset)
Sets the left column offset of chart in the excel.


public short getLeftOffset()
Gets the left column offset of chart in the excel.


public void setRight(short right)
Sets the right column index of chart in the excel.


public short getRight()
Gets the right column index of chart in the excel.


public void setRightOffset(short rightOffset)
Sets the right column offset of chart in the excel.


public short getRightOffset()
Gets the right column offset of chart in the excel.


public void setTop(int top)
Sets the top row index of chart in the excel.


public int getTop()
Gets the top row index of chart in the excel.


public void setTopOffset(short topOffset)
Sets the top row offset of chart in the excel.


public short getTopOffset()
Gets the top row offset of chart in the excel.


public void setBottom(int bottom)
Sets the bottom row index of chart in the excel.


public int getBottom()
Gets the bottom row index of chart in the excel.


public void setBottomOffset(short bottomOffset)
Sets the bottom row offset of chart in the excel.


public short getBottomOffset()
Gets the bottom row offset of chart in the excel.