Package jet.server.api.exception

Exception Summary
ActionEventException Represents fire ActionEvent exception.
BadRealmException Bad Realm Exception
GenerateParameterException generating parameter value exception
GroupExistsException Group has Existed Exception.
InUseException Exception is thrown when attempting to delete an object, such as a user or group, which is in use as a part of the realm's security policy.
InvalidPasswordException Invalid Password Exception
NodeExistsException NodeExistsException is thrown when attempting to add a node into the resource tree while there is an existing node with the same node name under the same folder.
NoLiveLicenseException No Live License Exception
NoPrivilegeException Indicate an exception occurs, this exception will occur once a user require any action without corresponding privilege or user does not exist.
NoRemoteServerException RemoteServer does not exist Exception
NoSuchAclException No Such Acl Exception.
NoSuchGroupException Group does not exist Exception
NoSuchRealmException No such realm exception.
NoSuchRoleException no such role Exception
NoSuchUserException No such user exception.
ResourceAdminServiceException Resource admin service exception.
ResourceInfoException Saving resource failed exception
RoleExistsException Role Exists exception
UnknownMIMEType Unknown MIME Type Exception
UnknownResource Unknown Resource Exception
UserExistsException User Exists Exception