Interface CustomizedServerEnv

public interface CustomizedServerEnv

The CustomizedServerEnv is used to customize JReport self-contained server startup environment. The startup environment includes JReport server reporthome and the server's properties, i.e. the contents of ${reporthome}/bin/

This class should be implemented by users if they want to control JReport server's reporthome and server properties.

The name of this class should be passed to JReport server with the key jreport.servenv before JReport self-contained server initializing.

Users could set this class by VM -D parameter, or by putting into the Properties when invoking HttpUtil.initEnv(), or by configuring in web.xml or ejb-jar.xml

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_NAME
          The environment name that indicates the class name of user implemented CustomizedServerEnv.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getReportHome()
          Gets the customized JReport server report home.
 java.util.Properties getServerProperties()
          Gets the properties which users want to merge to file.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_NAME
The environment name that indicates the class name of user implemented CustomizedServerEnv.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String getReportHome()
Gets the customized JReport server report home.

It can be a blank folder in the file system, and should have privileges of read and write.

It can be null, that is to say, not specifying reporthome for JReport server, then the JReport server will use '${user.home}/.jreport' as the default reporthome.

the report home for JReport server


java.util.Properties getServerProperties()
Gets the properties which users want to merge to file.

All properties in this Properties will be merged into file before JReport server startup.

the Properties. It can be null, then nothing will be specified for JReport server.