Interface EngineExecuter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EngineExecuter

Method Summary
 boolean exportToHtml(java.lang.String htmlFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNumber, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser)
          Exports the current report to HTML.
 boolean exportToPdf(java.lang.String pdfFileName)
          Exports the current report to a PDF file.
 boolean exportToText(java.lang.String textFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter)
          Exports the current report to a TEXT file.

Method Detail


boolean exportToHtml(java.lang.String htmlFileName,
                     boolean bChartApplet,
                     boolean isMultiFile,
                     boolean bUsingTable,
                     boolean bHyperlink,
                     boolean bPageNumber,
                     boolean bAbsolute,
                     int iBrowser)
Exports the current report to HTML.

htmlFileName - The HTML file name.
bChartApplet - Specifies whether the chart in an html file is exported as an applet.
isMultiFile - Specifies whether to export the html to a file or to multiple files.
bUsingTable - Specifies whether to generate a hyperlink.
bHyperlink - Specifies whether to generate a hyperlink.
bPageNumber - Specifies whether to generate page numbers.
bAbsolute - Specifies the font size is absolute or relative.
iBrowser - Specifies the browser is IE or NETSCAPE. The value of the parameter for the browser must be either IE or NETSCAPE.
true if it is exported successfully.


boolean exportToPdf(java.lang.String pdfFileName)
Exports the current report to a PDF file.

pdfFileName - The PDF file name.
true if it is exported successfully.


boolean exportToText(java.lang.String textFileName,
                     boolean isNormalText,
                     boolean isRepeat,
                     char delimiter)
Exports the current report to a TEXT file.

textFileName - The TEXT file name.
isNormalText - Specifies whether this text file is in normal text format or standard data format.

The standard data format text file is the text file that each row of it represents a record in the report. It can be used as a text data source to exchange data with other applications.

isRepeat - Specifies whether to repeat the same contents.
delimiter - Delimiter used in SDF(Standard Data Format) format.
true if it is exported successfully.