Interface DHTMLWriter

public interface DHTMLWriter

Method Summary
 byte[] buildTOC(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName, java.lang.String nodeValue, java.lang.String pageNum, java.lang.String x, java.lang.String y, int level)
          Returns a byte array of XML files about TOC tree.
 byte[] exportReport(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName)
          Deprecated. Returns the result of the current page of the active report.
 byte[] exportReport(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName, java.util.Map context)
          Returns the result of the current page of the active report.
 java.lang.String getConnectFrame(java.lang.String RptName)
          Returns a string of the connecting frame.
If no frame setting is true, eturn HTML div tag; otherwise HTML iframe tag.
 java.lang.String getReportBrowser(java.lang.String rptName, int left, int top, java.lang.String width, java.lang.String height, boolean isDisplay, java.lang.String bgColor, java.lang.String position)
          Returns a string of the report.
If no frame setting is true, return HTML div tag; otherwise HTML iframe tag.
 byte[] publishCss(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName)
          Returns the style sheet of the current page of the active report.
 byte[] writeBusinessCubeTree(java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName, java.lang.String subRptKey, java.lang.String businessCubeName, boolean includeDetail, java.lang.String[] filterInBLnames, java.lang.String includeRCName)
          Returns a byte array of XML files about business cube tree.
 java.lang.String writeDSTreeofComponent(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName, java.lang.String dsid)
          Returns a string of XML files about DSO tree of the specified component.
 java.lang.String writeDSTreeofComponentByInstanceName(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String rptSetId, java.lang.String rptName, java.lang.String instName)
          Returns a string of XML files about DSO tree of the specified component.
 java.lang.String writeHeader(java.lang.String RptName, boolean isConnectPage, java.lang.String[] JsFiles, java.lang.String[] CssFiles, java.lang.String PageTitle)
          Returns a string of HTML script and link tags.
This method should be used with the early V7.3 version.

Method Detail


byte[] writeBusinessCubeTree(java.lang.String rptSetId,
                             java.lang.String rptName,
                             java.lang.String subRptKey,
                             java.lang.String businessCubeName,
                             boolean includeDetail,
                             java.lang.String[] filterInBLnames,
                             java.lang.String includeRCName)
Returns a byte array of XML files about business cube tree.

An example of the method:


rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
subRptKey - the key of the engine.
businessCubeName - the business cube name.
includeDetail - whether to include the detail information objects.
filterInBLnames - not used.
includeRCName - whether to include the RC objects.
a byte array of XML files about business cube tree.


byte[] publishCss(java.lang.String sessionId,
                  java.lang.String rptSetId,
                  java.lang.String rptName)
                  throws jet.JDException
Returns the style sheet of the current page of the active report.

sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
the style sheet of the current page of the active report.


byte[] exportReport(java.lang.String sessionId,
                    java.lang.String rptSetId,
                    java.lang.String rptName)
                    throws jet.JDException
Deprecated. Returns the result of the current page of the active report.

sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
the result of the current page of the active report.
See Also:
#exportReport(String, String, String, java.util.Map)}


byte[] buildTOC(java.lang.String sessionId,
                java.lang.String rptSetId,
                java.lang.String rptName,
                java.lang.String nodeValue,
                java.lang.String pageNum,
                java.lang.String x,
                java.lang.String y,
                int level)
Returns a byte array of XML files about TOC tree.

An example of the method:


sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
nodeValue - the current node value. If it is null, returns the toc tree from the root; otherwise, return the toc tree from the specified node.
pageNum - not used.
x - not used.
y - not used.
level - not used.
a byte array of XML files about TOC tree.


java.lang.String getConnectFrame(java.lang.String RptName)
Returns a string of the connecting frame.
If no frame setting is true, eturn HTML div tag; otherwise HTML iframe tag.

An example of the method:


rptName - the report name.
a string of the connecting frame.


java.lang.String getReportBrowser(java.lang.String rptName,
                                  int left,
                                  int top,
                                  java.lang.String width,
                                  java.lang.String height,
                                  boolean isDisplay,
                                  java.lang.String bgColor,
                                  java.lang.String position)
Returns a string of the report.
If no frame setting is true, return HTML div tag; otherwise HTML iframe tag.

An example of the method:


rptName - the report name.
left - refer to CSS left property.
top - refer to CSS top property.
width - refer to CSS width property.
height - refer to CSS height property.
isDisplay - refer to CSS display property, if false, 'style.display=none'; otherwise, default value.
bgColor - refer to CSS background property.
position - refer to CSS position property.
a string of the report.


java.lang.String writeHeader(java.lang.String RptName,
                             boolean isConnectPage,
                             java.lang.String[] JsFiles,
                             java.lang.String[] CssFiles,
                             java.lang.String PageTitle)
Returns a string of HTML script and link tags.
This method should be used with the early V7.3 version.

An example of the method:


RptName - the report name.
isConnectPage - if true, it is connecting page; otherwise HTML script tag.
JsFiles - the javascript files which are used in the HTML page.
CssFiles - the CSS files which are used in the HTML page.
PageTitle - the title which is used in the HTML page. Not used.
Returns a string of HTML.


java.lang.String writeDSTreeofComponent(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                        java.lang.String rptSetId,
                                        java.lang.String rptName,
                                        java.lang.String dsid)
Returns a string of XML files about DSO tree of the specified component.

sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
dsid - ID of the result object.
a string of XML files about DSO tree.


java.lang.String writeDSTreeofComponentByInstanceName(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                      java.lang.String rptSetId,
                                                      java.lang.String rptName,
                                                      java.lang.String instName)
Returns a string of XML files about DSO tree of the specified component.

sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
instName - the component name.
a string of XML files about DSO tree.


byte[] exportReport(java.lang.String sessionId,
                    java.lang.String rptSetId,
                    java.lang.String rptName,
                    java.util.Map context)
                    throws jet.JDException
Returns the result of the current page of the active report.

An example of the method:


sessionId - the user session id.
rptSetId - the report set id.
rptName - the report name.
context - the informations when exporting reports. Includes "jrd.param.getfileurl", "jrd.param.encoding";
the result of the current page of the active report.