Interface QueryOptimizer

public interface QueryOptimizer

Sometimes you may want to optimize the sql statement before it is sent to DB. API QueryOptimizer gives you the chance to do so.
If you implement this interface, JReport Engine will trigger you to modify the SQL statement that will be passed to DB by calling QueryOptimizer.optimizeQuery(QueryInfo).
Note: In order to use Class.forName() to create a new Class instance for the class implemented QueryOptimizer, any implemented class must have a default constructor.

Method Summary
 Optimizer optimizeQuery(QueryInfo queryInfo)
          This method will be called before sql queries are sent to DB, implementing it will have chance to Further optimize SQL based on certain needs.

Method Detail


Optimizer optimizeQuery(QueryInfo queryInfo)
This method will be called before sql queries are sent to DB, implementing it will have chance to Further optimize SQL based on certain needs.

QueryInfo, - include necessary information to optimize the query statement.
Optimizer. #QueryInfo