Track 3: Creating Business Cubes and Report Cubes

Report and business cubes provide a business intelligence OLAP style interface to data without requiring costly OLAP cubes. These cubes offer end users very powerful ad hoc capabilities, enabling them to slice and dice data at runtime using dimensions, measures and hierarchies (levels). For example, a simple date can be broken out into year, quarter, month, week and day dimensions that can be dragged onto the report. The end users that use business and report cubes to build ad hoc reports are referred to as business analysts, because, unlike a regular report end user, a business analyst will have to understand how to analyze the data and present it in an ad hoc report rather than just read or interact with the report.

Report cubes and business cubes are built in JReport Designer and are maintained within catalogs. At runtime, report and business cubes appear the same. However, report cubes work on predefined static queries while business cubes dynamically generate queries at runtime as the user adds elements to the report.

A business or report cube is built from four kinds of elements: categories, dimensions, measures, and detail information.

Meanwhile, to provide flexibility and convenience to business analyst playing with ad hoc reports, JReport provides two options to narrow down the records:

The business cube and the report cube created in this track are the basis for Track 8: Creating and Analyzing Ad Hoc Reports. It may be helpful to view the types of ad hoc reports that the business and report cube support, before you begin this track. You can read through Track 8 and then return to this track if desired.

Note: A JReport Live license for JReport Designer is required in order to perform this track. If you do not have a Live license please contact your Jinfonet Software account manager to obtain a license.

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