Lesson 5: Administration of resources

JReport Server provides Administration pages that allow the system analyst, report administrator, or application server administrator to manage the resources and operations of JReport Server. This lesson describes the administrative tasks that you can perform through the Administrative pages.

Task 1: Access the JReport Administration page

  1. Click Start > All Programs > JReport 13 Update 1 > Server > JReport Server Administration, or open a web browser and set the URL to http://localhost:8889.
  2. In the Sign in dialog, enter admin for the user name and admin for the password, then click Login.

    These are the initial administrative user credentials built in to JReport Server. One of the first things an administrator should do is to set up the correct user credentials so that appropriate access to the reports is granted.

    The JReport Administration page is displayed:

Task 2: Review the Resources page

The Resources panel of JReport Administration lists the resources that have been published to JReport Server.

The User Directory is hidden on the left showing the folders of published resources. By default, the root folder is open when you first log onto JReport Administration page.

The resource list shown in the Resources panel is similar to that in the JReport Console; however, the report name is not a link and there isn't an interface to run a report.

The Versions button allows you to set the maximum number of versions of report results to keep in the JReport Version library. When reports are run, either in Advanced mode or scheduled, the report results are stored in the Version library. The report administrator can control how many versions to maintain for each report.

The NLS Editor button allows you to translate a report into a different language from the original one.

The Cube Security button allows you to update a catalog's report cube, business cube and business view permission settings without re-publishing the catalog.

Another two buttons, Properties and Delete , are the same as described in Lesson 1 of this track.

Task 3: Review the Configuration page

The Configuration page allows you to control the operation of JReport Server as follows:

Task 4: Understand the Monitor page

JReport Server Monitor allows system administrators to log, monitor and report on real-time system status and the performance of the JReport Server. It can be accessed via any web browser, enabling administrators to remotely monitor and manage JReport Servers.

JReport Server Monitor allows you to track the status of JReport Server, see what reports are running or have run as well as which users are accessing the system. JReport Server Monitor is downloaded separately from JReport Server, and must be installed before this page can be used.

Task 5: Review the remaining pages

Exit JReport Administration pages by clicking the Logout link in the upper right corner of the page.

Lesson 4 summary

This lesson briefly introduced the JReport Administrative page.