Saving a catalog

To save a catalog, click File > Catalog Management on the menu bar, then select from the following commands:

A directory can contain only one catalog file other than the .cat and .cat.xml of the same catalog. To merge multiple catalog files, see Merging catalogs.

Sharing catalog files among multiple report developers

By default, the report file and resources referenced by this report are created and saved in the current catalog. You can also save a report or other resource to a catalog other than the one in which it is created. All the catalog resources related to this report will then be merged into that catalog. This can allow a team of report developers to share resources. Each report developer can work on a local version of the catalog, and then use the Save To command to have his catalog "uploaded" to a universal catalog. The Save To command saves not only the report files, but also the resources (query, formulas, and parameters) that are referenced by this report.

For details about how to share catalog files, see Saving a page report to a different catalog.