By default, a banded object consists of these panels: a Banded Header (BH) panel, a Banded Page Header (BPH) panel, a Detail (DT) panel, a Parallel Detail (PDT, this is only for the banded objects which are created on HDS) panel, a Banded Page Footer (BPF) panel, a Banded Footer (BF) panel, and several Group Header (GH) and Group Footer (GF) panels if the data in the banded object is grouped.
JReport Designer allows you to perform the following tasks related to the banded panels.
Select a panel of the same type, right-click it and select Insert Panel After. A blank panel will be inserted into the banded object.
To delete a banded panel from a banned object, right-click the panel and select Delete. Note that you cannot delete a panel of a certain type if it is the only one of that type.
To hide a banded panel from view, right-click the panel, and then click Hide.