
A crosstab is a statistical process that summarizes categorical data from one or more sources in a concise format for analysis or reporting. It usually represents the joint distribution of two or more variables in compact row and column format. In business intelligence, engineering, survey and scientific research, the crosstab is widely used.

In JReport, crosstabs are data containers, which means that when a crosstab is inserted into another data container, you can set up data container link between the crosstab and its parent (for details, see the section Setting up data container link).

Meanwhile, in order to meet the requirements from voice agents used by people with eyesight disabilities, JReport supports exported crosstab components in the HTML data table format to get a section 508 compliant result. For detailed descriptions, refer to Accessibility.

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See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the crosstab component example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Crosstab.cls.