Summary fields

A summary is a special kind of formula. A summary generates a count, average, sum, standard deviation or other transformation of a set of data values. A summary applies to a defined group of data.

Inserting a summary field in a report

Summaries can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement. Before you can insert a summary field into a report, you need to define it. For details about how to define summaries, see Creating a summary.

To insert a summary field into a report, you can use either of the following two ways:

When a summary field has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).


Changing the display type of a summary field

The display type of a summary field can be changed, that is to say, you can map the summary field to another value or image to be displayed instead.

To change the display type a summary field:

  1. Right-click the summary and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Type box, and set the options for the selected type in the Web Options panel.
  3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.

For details about display types, see Changing the display type of a label.

Adding conditional formats to a summary field

You can add some conditional formats to a summary field, then when a specified condition is fulfilled, the format bound with the condition will be applied to the field values automatically for distinguishing.

To add conditional formats to a summary field:

  1. Right-click the summary field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Conditional Formatting dialog, click the button to add a condition.
  3. Set the format that will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.
  4. Repeat the above two steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
  5. When done, click OK to save the settings.

For more details about conditional formatting, see Adding conditional formats to a DBField.

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the summary field example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\UsingSummaries.cls.