Filtering the groups

As the name suggests, the Group Filter feature is based on groups. If a group satisfies the filter condition, all the records in this group will be shown. If the group doesn't satisfy the condition, then the whole group will not be displayed in the table.

Suppose that you have created a table based on the query EmployeeInformation in the catalog file as follows: added the fields Hire Date, Name, Home Phone and Salary to be displayed in the table, set the field Employee Position as the group by field and applied the default style to the table. Since no group filter condition has been set, there are three groups in the table: Marketing, Sales Representative and Vice President.

Example 1: Show groups where the lowest employee salary is less than 50000

  1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the group by field Employee Position, the Group Filter button will then become available. Click it to display the Group Filter dialog. See the dialog.
  3. Fill in the following information in the dialog:
    Logic Function Field Name (before Occurs With) Field Name (after Occurs With) Operator Value More
    Unchecked Min Salary Salary < 50000 End
  4. Click OK to close the dialog and then Finish in the Table Wizard to apply the settings.
  5. View the report result. You will find that only the two groups Marketing and Sales Representative are displayed, while the group Vice President that does not fit this condition is ignored.

Example 2: Show groups in which the highest-salary employee was hired before Jan. 1, 1989

In this example, you need to set the Group Filter dialog as follows:

Logic Function Field Name (before Occurs With) Field Name (after Occurs With) Operator Value More
Unchecked Max Salary Hire Date < 1989-01-01 00:00:00.000 End

When you view the report result, you will find that this time only the group Vice President is displayed.

Example 3: Show groups where at least one "not highest" employee salary is larger than 50000

In this example, you need to set the Group Filter dialog as follows:

Logic Function Field Name (before Occurs With) Field Name (after Occurs With) Operator Value More
Checked Max Salary Salary > 50000 End

When you view the report result, you will find that this time only the two groups Marketing and Vice President are displayed.

See also Group Filter dialog for detailed information about options in the dialog.
