Customized Function dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Customize item in the Special Function drop-down list in the Group screen of the report wizard, or the New Summary dialog/Edit Summary dialog. Options in the dialog vary according to the data type of the selected group by field.


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.

If the group by field is of Numeric type, the dialog appears as follows:

By Intervals

Specifies to group the data by intervals.

Within Range

Specifies to group data within certain range. If this option is checked, you need to enter a value as the range in the Within text box and specify how to apply the range, to increasing data or decreasing data, by selecting the item from the drop-down list.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval or range in a new special group.

If the group by field is of String type, the dialog appears as follows:

First/Last N letters

Specifies the intervals with which to group the report data. N should be an integer no larger than 255.

Case sensitive when grouping

If checked, JReport will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters when grouping.

Convert group name to

Specifies how to convert the group name. If Case sensitive when grouping is selected, this option will be disabled.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval in a new special group.

If the group by field is of Date/Time type, the dialog appears as follows:


Specifies the time which will be applied as the intervals to group data. Select the unit of time from the drop-down list to the right of the text field. It could be second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, half year and year.

The Offset of Time Grouping

Specifies the offset used to group the data.

The First Day of the Week

Specifies which day will be regarded the first day of a week.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval in a new special group.

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