Format Paper dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a paper of a chart, or right-click a chart and then select Format Paper from the shortcut menu. The paper of a chart is the canvas on which the main chart is drawn.

This dialog allows you to format the paper in the chart, and consists of the following tabs:


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.


Displays this help document.

General tab (for 2-D charts)

Specifies the general options for formatting the 2-D chart paper. See the tab.

Scale X

Specifies the left position of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's width, from the left edge of the image.

Scale Y

Specifies the bottom position of the image, measured in the percentage of the image's height, from the bottom edge of the image.

Constraint Proportion

Specifies whether to set the same scaling ratios for both X and Y axes.

Rotation tab (for 3-D charts)

Specifies the rotation properties for formatting the 3-D chart paper. See the tab.

If selected, rotate the chart on the basis of the X, Y, Z axes.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the X axis.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the Y axis.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the Z axis.


Specifies the scaling ratios of the width for the paper.


Specifies the scaling ratios of the height for the paper.


Specifies the scaling ratios of the depth for the paper.

Constraint Proportion

Specifies whether to set the same scaling ratios for width, height and depth of the paper.

Fill tab

Specifies the color to fill the chart paper. See the tab.


Specifies the color to fill the paper. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after # if you have changed the default color.


Specifies the transparency of the color.


Displays the specified color and transparency effects.

Border tab

Specifies properties for border of the chart paper. See the tab.

Border Style

Specifies the type for border of the paper.


Specifies the color for border of the chart paper. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after #.

Line Style

Specifies the line style to apply to border of the chart paper.


Specifies the thickness of the border, in pixels.


Specifies the transparency for the color of the border.

End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Line Joint

Specifies the line joint style for the border line.


Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.


Specifies the dash size of border line.

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