Format Surface dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a surface of a chart, or right-click it and then select Format Surface from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format surfaces in a chart, and consists of the following tabs:


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.


Displays this help document.

Fill tab

Specifies the color or fill effect and the transparency for the surfaces. See the tab.


Specifies the color schema for the selected surfaces in the same data series. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after # if you have changed the default color.


Specifies the transparency of the color schema.

Color List

Opens the Color List dialog to modify color pattern for surfaces in the same data series.


Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab

Specifies properties for border of the surfaces, which take effect only when the Border property on chart paper is set to true in the Report Inspector. See the tab

Border Style

Displays the type for border of the surfaces. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.


Specifies the color for border of the surfaces. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after #.


Specifies the transparency for color of the border.

Line Style

Specifies the line style to apply to border of the surfaces.


Specifies the thickness of the border, in pixels.

End Caps

Specify the ending style of the border line.

Line Joint

Specifies the line joint style for the border line.


Displays a preview sample of your selection.


Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.


Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels displayed on the surfaces. See the tab.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on surface chart.


Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.


Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

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