To export the results of a report to an HTML file, follow the steps below:

  1. In JReport Designer, open the web report or the report tab in a page report that you want to export.
  2. Click File > Export To > HTML.
  3. In the Web Wizard, specify the settings as required. See the wizard.
  4. When done, click Finish to generate the file.

See also Web Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

The following example shows you how to export the results of a report to HTML format and view the exported file via a web browser, taking the sample report CustomerAnalysis.cls in as an example:

  1. Click File > Open on the menu bar.
  2. In the Open Report dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open CustomerAnalysis.cls in the catalog.
  3. Click File > Export To > HTML to open the Web Wizard.
  4. In the Report tab, specify the web page name as required. Here we use the default one CustomerAnalysis_CustomerAnalysis. Make sure that Multiple Files, Drilldown and TOC are checked. Check Run Linked Report if you want to include the linked reports in the exported HTML result.
  5. In the Directory tab, specify where the exported result files will be saved. Here we save them in the default directory C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\.
  6. In the Chart Applet tab, select Image Chart > GIF.
  7. Click Finish to start generating the files.
  8. Open the directory C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\ and find the exported files.
  9. Open the file CustomerAnalysis_CustomerAnalysis_1.html.
  10. The Table of Contents (TOC) is displayed in the left pane, including the names of groups and subgroups. If you click a group, the relative contents will be shown in the right pane.
  11. Since Drilldown is checked when exporting the report, you can drill down on a summary by placing the mouse pointer over the summary and clicking it when the mouse pointer becomes a hand. See illustration.

    Note that summaries should be inserted into your report in advance. They cannot be hidden or suppressed; otherwise you will not be able to get drilldown files.
