Editing the display sequence of parameters

When you run reports with parameters, a parameter page will be displayed for specifying the values of the parameters. The order of the parameters on this parameter page are adjustable.

There are two types of parameter order settings: one is for the whole catalog, the other a specific report. When the order of parameters in a catalog is specified, the order will be applied when running reports created in the catalog. If you just specify the parameter order for a report, only when you run the report will the order be adopted. When both types of orders are configured, the report level order has higher priority than the catalog level order.

Adjusting for a catalog

  1. Open the catalog with parameters of which you would like to adjust the order.
  2. In the Catalog Browser, expand a data source, select the Parameters node or any parameter in the node, then click the Sort Parameter button on the Catalog Browser toolbar.
  3. In the Parameter Run Time Order dialog, make use of the Move Up and Move Down buttons to adjust the order of the parameters, or simply drag and drop a parameter. Since a catalog may have many parameters, it would be much easier by dragging and dropping.

    Move a parameter closer to the top position if you want it at a better place for specifying its value more easily at runtime.

  4. When done, click OK to accept the changes.

Adjusting for a specific report

  1. Open the report with parameters of which you would like to adjust the order, then click Edit > Parameter Order on the menu bar.
  2. In the Parameter Run Time Order dialog, make use of the Move Up and Move Down buttons to adjust the order of the parameters, or simply drag and drop a parameter. Move a parameter closer to the top position if you want it at a better place for specifying its value more easily at runtime.
  3. Click OK.