
The properties of a summary are:

Property Name Description
Description Specifies the description of the summary.

Data type: String

Display Width Specifies the display width of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

Expression Displays the statement of the summary. This property is read only.
Function Specifies the function of the summary (for more information, refer to Summary functions).

Data type: String

Group By Specifies the criteria (break-by group) that the summary will be performed.

Data type: String

Length Specifies the length of the summary's value, in bytes.

Data type: Integer

Name Specifies the name of the summary.

Data type: String

Number Base Specifies the number base of the summary.

Data type: Integer

Precision Specifies the precision of the summary's value. The default value comes from data source meta data and it specifies the value's largest number of digits.

Data type: Integer

Scale Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the summary's value.

Data type: Integer

Special Function If the group by field is of Numeric, String, Date or Time type, you can further define to calculate the summary by specifying a special function.

Data type: String

SQL Type Specifies the SQL type of the summary defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Integer c

Summary On Specifies the field on which the summary performs.

Data type: String

Text Format
Auto Fit Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the summary according to the contents.

Data type: Boolean

Bold Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Size Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Format Specifies the display format of the summary's value. The format varies with the summary's data type and can be defined manually.

Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the summary. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Italic Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Strikethrough Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean

Underline Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the summary. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the bottom border of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Left Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the left border of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Right Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the right border of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Top Padding Specifies the space in inches or centimeters between the text and the top border of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the padding.

Data type: Float

Height Specifies the height of the summary, which takes effect when the summary is inserted into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a proper height will be specified to the summary by JReport automatically.

Data type: Float

Width Specifies the width of the summary, which takes effect when the summary is inserted into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a proper width will be specified to the summary by JReport automatically.

Data type: Float

Background Specifies the background color of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Foreground Specifies the foreground color of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Border Color Specifies the color of the border of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Border Thickness Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Left Line Specifies the line style of the left border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Right Line Specifies the line style of the right border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Shadow Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the summary.

Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Top Line Specifies the line style of the top border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00), or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color.

Data type: String

Pattern Style Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • none - No pattern will be applied to the summary.
  • 50% - The summary will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.
  • horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.
  • vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.
  • grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified color.
  • diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration