Catalog Browser panel

Clicking View > Catalog Browser on the menu bar, or the Catalog Browser button on the View toolbar will show the Catalog Browser panel.

This panel lists all data sources, reports, and styles belonging to the current catalog file (.cat) in three tabs: Data, Reports, and Styles. This is a useful interface which simplifies the work of report design and the management of the actual resources you use.

Data tab

In this tab, you can manage data sources and their contents used by the catalog.

Reports tab

Manages your page reports in Folder view. You can divide them up into different types. In this way, you can manage them just like processing files in a file system. You can add, open, delete, move, rename and search for items. For details, see Page Report Manager.

Styles tab

From the Styles tab, you can create and edit styles. For details, see XSD styles.


The following are buttons on the Catalog Browser toolbar: