CSS styles

A CSS style file is like a style group, which contains a set of styles with many predefined properties. In JReport, the CSS style file, which is defined according to CSS 2.1 standard of W3C, is supported. Properties of all of the components in a report can be controlled by a CSS file. You can customize, edit and save a CSS style with visible UI of the CSS Editor in JReport Designer, and can also compile and save a CSS file manually according to the W3C standard. After that, these CSS style files can be imported to apply to a component. By using JReport CSS styles, you can create various visual presentation sets from a single report, and change the visual presentation of your report.

JReport supports some of the W3C CSS 2.1 standard properties at present, which are background-color, border-style/border-top-style/border-bottom-style/border-left-style/border-right-style, color, font-size, height, padding/padding-top/padding-bottom/padding-left/padding-right, text-align, and width.

This section explains how to create CSS styles and manage them in detail.