Visual Analysis

Visual Analysis is a WYSIWYG product to visualize the result of every step of your work. Simply by dragging and dropping data fields to the layout module, you are able to experience the detailed building up of crosstabs and charts step by step visually.

Business views are the data sources used in Visual Analysis. Each time you can perform data analysis based on one business view, and later you can save the result as a visual analysis template into the server resource tree. However, Visual Analysis does not support the customization of parameter values, so if a business view contains parameters, the default parameter values will be applied when you perform visual analysis on the business view.

Visual Analysis can work in both remote and integration environments.

Visual Analysis is a separately licensed feature of JReport Server. It is installed together with JReport Server so only the license key needs to be updated to enable it to run. To find out how to license Visual Analysis please contact Jinfonet sales at or contact your Enterprise Account Manager.

This chapter covers the following topics:
