Performing administrative configuration work on UI
JReport Server UI can be accessed remotely from a client machine through a web browser such as Internet Explorer. The JReport Administration page is available to administrators only. To perform administrative configuration work as an administrator, first log onto the JReport Administration page.
On the JReport Administration page, these tabs are entry to different-purposed configuration panels:
- Configuration - A comprehensive place for server configuration containing further-divided categories.
- Security - Where you manage user accounts and permissions.
- Profile - Where you define some initial settings for users' profiles.
- Cluster - Where you configure and manage a JReport Server cluster.
- Triggers - Where you create and manage triggers.
- Data - Where you manage the server data.
- Cube - Where you create and manage in-memory cubes for business views.
- Cache - Where you create and manage the caches of data, reports, security objects and images.