Exporting library components

Library components visible in the page panel can be exported, for example, library components that were created using JReport Designer and inserted into dashboards via the Resources panel.

When exporting library component in a dashboard, you can choose in which layout you want the library components to be exported, system layout or customized layout. In the system layout, JReport will calculate the positions of the library components in the dashboard following certain rule. If you are not satisfied with the system layout, you can customize the layout by yourself to determine the position of each library component and specify whether to export all the data of a table/crosstab or just the current page of the table/crosstab displayed in the dashboard. The customized layout can be saved for all users who can access the dashboard.

To export using system layout:

  1. Click the Export button on the side bar, or click the Options button on the side bar and select Export from the option list. The Export dialog is displayed.
  2. Select System Layout from the Layout drop-down list. The preview of the layout is displayed in the preview panel on the right. Sometimes you may find that the layout is a little different from what you see in the dashboard. See the dialog.
  3. In the Resources box, select the library components you are going to export. By default all exportable library components are listed and selected.
  4. The order of the library components in the Resources box determines the order in which they will be exported. Click and to adjust the exporting order if necessary.
  5. Check the Show Component Title option if you want to show the library component titles in the export result.
  6. Click the page navigation buttons on the toolbar of the preview panel to browse the pages if you want.
  7. Click to do the last setting and then export.
    1. From the Export File Format drop-down list, specify the format for exporting the library components. For a format other than XML, all the selected library components will be exported into one single file. For XML, each library component will be exported to a separate XML file. When the exported result contains more than one file, all the files will be zipped.
    2. In the File Name text field, specify a name to the exported result, which could be either a single file or a zipped package name.
    3. Check Run Linked Report if you need to include linked report in the exported result file.
    4. Click OK to start exporting.

To export using customized layout:

  1. Click the Export button on the side bar, or click the Options button on the side bar and select Export from the option list. The Export dialog is displayed. See the dialog.
  2. Select Customize Layout from the Layout drop-down list. You can also select an existing customized layout to modify it.
  3. Check the Show Component Title option if you want to show the library component titles in the export result.
  4. To set the page properties, click the Page Setup button, then in the Page Setup dialog, specify the settings according to your requirement.
  5. In the Design tab, customize the layout of the library components by making use of the following operations. The library components are arranged using a tabular with each cell holding one component.
  6. Click the View tab to preview the layout. You can browse the pages and zoom in/out by clicking the corresponding toolbar buttons.

    If you are satisfied with the layout and want to save it for future use, click or on the toolbar, then in the Save As dialog, provide a name for the layout and click OK. The saved custom layouts will be available in the Layout drop-down list to all users who can access the dashboard. For each of them, you can edit its name or delete it using the two buttons - Rename and Delete - appearing on the right when the mouse hovers over the layout item on the drop-down list.

  7. Click , then in the Export dialog, do the last setting and start exporting.

See also Export dialog for details about the options in the dialog.

Tip: If you just want to export a single library component, there is a more convenient way.

  1. Click on the title bar of the library component and select Export from the drop-down list. The Export dialog is displayed. See the dialog.
  2. In the Export dialog, choose the format to which you want to export the library component, then click OK.

However, using this way, if the library component is linked with other reports, you cannot control whether to generate the linked reports while exporting. The linked reports will not be included in the exported result for all time.