Saving dashboards

To save the changes you made to the current dashboard, click the Save button on the side bar, or click the Options button and select Save from the option list.

If the dashboard is newly created and has not yet been saved, the Save As dialog will be displayed. See the dialog.

  1. In the Save In section, browse to the folder where you want to save the dashboard in the server resource tree. The folder may be Public Reports or My Reports. You can use the button to return to the parent folder.

    The resource table shows the resources in the current directory. Click the column names to change the order of the report in the table list if required.

  2. In the File Name box, enter the name of the dashboard or use the default name.
  3. Click OK to save the dashboard.

To save a copy of a dashboard, click on the side bar and select Save As from the option list to show the Save As dialog, and then do as above.

After saving your dashboard into the server resource tree, you can browse to its directory on the JReport Console > Resources page and run it directly just like you run a report.

To find a newly saved dashboard version, browse to select the row that the dashboard is in on the JReport Console > Resources page, click Tools > Version on the task bar, the Dashboard Version panel will be displayed showing the versions.

Note: You will not be able to save the dashboard to some locations if you do not have Write permission.