Manipulating data components

You can manipulate data components, which refer to crosstabs, tables, banded objects, charts and geographic maps, in Page Report Studio as shown below. However, most of the manipulations require selecting the component first. To select a component, click anywhere in the component, when the icon appears at its upper left corner, click the icon.

Note: When manipulating data components, a JReport Live license for JReport Server is required in order to use the features involving report cube/business cube or changes of report template. If you do not have a Live license please contact your Jinfonet Software account manager to obtain a license.

Setting the number of records retrieved by data components

You can set the number of records that can be retrieved by all data components in a report. To do this, select a value to your liking (All or first 50 to name a few) from the Max Records combo box on the Analysis toolbar. You can also directly input a positive integer here and press Enter to retrieve the corresponding records. Alternatively, you can click Menu > Report > Max Records to show the Max Records dialog, and then achieve the same goal. If you are making a lot of changes to the report, it may be faster to limit the number of records to 1 page while you make the changes then change it back to All to view the final result.

Manipulating a crosstab

Manipulating a table

Note: If a table is created in JReport Designer, you can add, convert columns in the table, or aggregate on its detail columns in Page Report Studio only when data fields used by the table can be converted to corresponding cube elements. See the note in Analytic reporting for details.

Manipulating a banded object

Manipulating a chart

Manipulating geographic map group markers