Report Properties dialog

You can set the properties of a specified report in its Properties dialog according to your requirements.

The Properties dialog is divided into the following two tabs:


Discards your modifications and restores the dialog to its default status.


Retains the settings and submits the task to server.


Cancels any settings and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.

General tab

Specifies the general properties of the report. See the tab.

Resource Path

Shows the resource path.

Resource Node Name

Specifies the name for the report.

Resource Type

Shows the type of the resource.

Resource Description

Specifies the description for the report.


Specifies the status of the report. If not specified, the status will be Active by default.

National Language Support

Specifies whether to enable the NLS feature for the report. This option is available when the Properties dialog is opened from the JReport Administration page.

[Custom Field Name]

Specifies value of the custom field for the report. A custom field can be regarded as a resource property and is available when it is enabled.

Choose Profile

Specifies the Page Report Studio profile to be applied to run the report which contains a set of Page Report Studio settings. This option is available when the Properties dialog is opened from the JReport Administration page.

Enable Linked Catalog

Enables to link the report with a catalog. If you have linked a report with a catalog, then even if the report and the catalog are not in the same directory, it also can be run with the catalog.

When you background run, advanced run or schedule the report, the linked catalog is applied instead of the catalog that is resided in the parent folder and originally used to run the report. For Advanced Run and Schedule, you can change the catalog to apply another one using the Select Another Catalog option in the General tab of the corresponding dialog.

Apply Archive Policy

Applies an archive policy to the report versions.

Permission tab

Specifies permissions of roles/users/groups on the report. This tab is available when the report is in the Public Reports folder. See the tab.

Enable Setting Permissions

Enables the setting of permissions.


Lists the roles/users/groups to which you can assign permissions.

Adds the selected role, user or group to the Selected box.

Removes the selected role, user or group from the Selected box.


Select a role/user/group in the Selected box and then select the permissions you would like the role/user/group to have on the report. For what each permission is used for, see Permission.