Publish to Remote Server dialog

The Publish to Remote Server dialog guides you through publishing resources to JReport Server remotely. See the dialog.

Publish Remote Resource to

Shows where the resources will be published.

From Zipped File

Specifies where to get the resources. Click the Browse button to specify the location.

Publish files and folders in the zipped file to /XXX

Specifies whether to publish files and folders in the zipped file to /XXX directly.

When this option is not checked, the following options are available, which specify properties of the new folder you want to create in /XXX to locate the resources in the zip file.

Automatically Convert Old Report Schema

Specifies whether or not JReport Server converts JReport reports of earlier versions into current version JReport reports when publishing the earlier version reports.

Apply Archive Policy

Applies an archive policy to the resource versions.

Set Permissions

Available only when the resources are to be published to the Public Reports or Public Components folder. Click the link to set user permissions to the resources in the Set Permissions dialog.

Advanced Publish

Specifies to publish resources in an advanced way.


Retains the settings and submits the task to server.


Cancels operations.


Displays this help document.