Select Language Source dialog

This dialog is displayed when you click the button above the Language box in the Global NLS dialog. It helps you to choose where to add a new language. See the dialog.

Languages Supported by JReport

Specifies to add a new language from the Available Languages box. After choosing the option and clicking OK, you will be shown the Add Language dialog.

NLS Resource File

Specifies to add a new language from an NLS resource file in your local folder. After choosing the option and clicking OK, you can browse to the local folder where the NLS resource file is located.

NLS resource files should follow the naming rule: NLS_[language]_[region A2]_[User Defined].properties. Refer to Appendix 6: Language and region name list for National Language Support for language and region A2 codes.


Goes to the next action.


Cancels the action and exits the dialog.


Displays this help document.