Web Report Wizard

This wizard appears after you click Menu > File > New Report (or the New Report button on the Standard toolbar). It guides you through the process of creating a web report, and contains the following screens:

Displays this help document.


Goes back to the previous screen.


Goes to the next screen.


Saves the report to the server resource tree.


Opens the report in Web Report Studio.

Page screen

Specifies the page settings of the report. See the screen.


Specifies the template to be applied to the report.

Page Setup

Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify the page properties.

Report Title

Specifies the display name of the report title.

Company Logo

Specifies the company logo image file.

Company Title 1

Specifies the display name of the company title 1.

Company Title 2

Specifies the display name of the company title 2.

Sub Title

Specifies the display name of the sub title.

Specifies the font properties for report title, sub title or company title.

Opens the Insert Image dialog to customize the image for company logo.

Layout screen

Specifies the layout of the report. See the screen.

Built-in layouts

Lists the built-in layouts.


The toolbar is enabled when a tabular cell in the below edit layout box is selected.

Edit layout box

Specifies the component to be inserted into the selected tabular cell.

Tabular Cell Size

Displays the size of the selected tabular cell, in percent.

Bind Data screen

Specifies the data source and the fields to be displayed in each component selected in the Layout screen. This screen differs according to the following component types: table, crosstab, chart. When the component type is specified as Blank, the screen is disabled.

For table component

Specifies the data displayed in the table. See the screen.

Table Title

Specifies the title of the table. The title is a special label bound with the table. Though it can be positioned freely in a report, once you remove the table from the report, the title will be removed too.

Specifies the font properties of the table title.

Data Source

Specifies the business view in the current catalog on which the table will be built.


Opens the Query Filter dialog to specify the filter you want to apply to the selected business view.

Table Type

Specifies the table type.

Display tab

Specifies the fields to be displayed in the table.

Group tab

Specifies the fields to group the data.

Summary tab

Specifies the fields on which to create summaries.

For crosstab component

Specifies the data displayed in the crosstab. See the screen.

Crosstab Title

Specifies the title of the crosstab. The title is a special label bound with the crosstab. Though it can be positioned freely in a report, once you remove the crosstab from the report, the title will be removed too.

Specifies the font properties of the crosstab title.

Data Source

Specifies the business view in the current catalog on which the crosstab will be built.


Opens the Query Filter dialog to specify the filter you want to apply to the selected business view.


Displays the elements in the selected business view.

Edits the selected dynamic resource.

Adds the selected group object to be displayed on the columns of the crosstab.

Adds the selected group object to be displayed on the rows of the crosstab.

Adds the selected aggregation object and detail object to be the summary field of the crosstab.



Moves the selected view element one level up.

Moves the selected view element one level down.

Removes the selected view element.

For chart component

The screen for the chart component varies with different chart types: common chart types, organization chart, heat map.

For common chart types

Specifies the data displayed in the chart. See the screen.

For organization chart

Specifies the data displayed in the chart. See the screen.

For heat map

Specifies the data displayed in the chart. See the screen.

Style screen

Specifies the style of the report. See the screen.


Lists all the available styles for you to select from. No style will be applied when you select None.