Installing JReport Server with the Installation Wizard is intuitive. You only need to follow the screens and enter the required information. The Installation Wizard provides two installation types:
This document shows you how to install the server to different systems with the Installation Wizard and configure the server according to your requirements.
To install JReport Server on a Windows platform, take the following steps:
During installation, pay attention to the following:
option for the Installation Wizard as follows:
jrserver-xxx-windows.exe LAX_VM "C:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\java.exe"
(change jrserver-xxx-windows.exe to the real file name of the installation file)
The JDK path should use absolute path and be quoted by "".
after installation.JReport Server supports Solaris, Linux, HP-Unix, and AIX. In the following process, an X server is running and Java 1.5 or above is available, otherwise ask your administrator for help. Installing and running JReport Server requires that an X server has been configured.
If you need to transfer the installation file from your download machine to your Unix box, you should transfer it using FTP in binary mode.
$ cd /opt/JReport/Server
(or your preferred install location)
To make the installation file executable, type the command:
$ chmod +x jrserver-xxx-linux.bin
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
To run the installation file:
$ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
The Installation Wizard will first locate a JVM to get started. If no JVM is found, the installer will fail to launch. To solve this issue, you can try either way:
Specify a JVM for Installation Wizard with the option LAX_VM
as follows:
$ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin LAX_VM "/opt/jdk1.6.0_17/bin/java"
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
The JDK path should use absolute path and be quoted by "".
JReport Server supports Linux on IBM system z. In the following process, an X server is running and a JDK specially used for IBM is available, otherwise ask your administrator for help. Installing and running JReport Server requires that an X server has been configured.
If you need to transfer the installation file from your download machine to your z/Linux box, you should transfer it using FTP in binary mode.
$ cd /opt/JReport/Server
(or your preferred install location)
To make the installation file executable, type the command:
$ chmod +x jrserver-xxx-linux.bin
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
To run the installation file:
$ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
The Installation Wizard will first locate a JVM to get started. If no JVM is found, the installer will fail to launch. To solve this issue, you can try either way:
Specify a JVM for Installation Wizard with the option LAX_VM
as follows:
$ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin
(change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)LAX_VM
The JDK path should use absolute path and be quoted by "".
Configuring the system database is a step on the server installation wizard available to a production key or a temporary key.
By default the trial database Derby is used. The port is configurable in case it is being used.
However in a production environment, you'd better configure your own production DBMS instead of using the default Derby which is provided for testing and evaluation purposes only and which should not be used in a production system. To do this, select Production Database and then set the correct database connection information. If the connection failed after clicking Next, a message will pop up, you can choose to reset the connection. Or if you choose to continue with the failure, after the installation, you need to configure the database still. For details, see Configuring the server database.
These databases have been tested workable as the production database: HSQLDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix.
When installing JReport Server using the Installation Wizard, if you choose Custom Installation for Standalone Server, you can configure the server system environment according to your requirements during the installation. You can configure the following items:
Cache Loaded Catalogs
Specifies whether to keep a catalog in memory, or to remove it from memory after a report is completed.
Normally, after a report has been generated, the catalog that is used to generate the report will be removed from memory. However, if you specify this option, the catalog will be cached rather than removed.
Cache Loaded Reports
Specifies whether to keep the reports in memory or remove them from memory after they have been generated.