Installing silently

JReport provides two files for installing JReport Server silently without user participation in the installation process. It is for the Typical Installation for Standalone Server type and for the Custom Installation for Standalone Server type.

Follow the steps below to install JReport Server silently:

  1. Download the appropriate file from the Jinfonet website according to your requirement.
  2. Some built-in demo reports (\SampleReports\*.cls) with Derby as the data source (install_root\db\SampleDB.script) have been provided. At the end of the installation, the installer will configure the reports and catalog to the correct data path. This calls some AWT classes that require GUI support.

    So, if you have an X server installed, you should set the Display variable so that this step can be performed successfully.

    $ DISPLAY=hostname(or IP address):0.0
    $ export DISPLAY

    Note: If you do not have X server or a pure text environment, this step can be ignored. However, you may find that the demo reports will not be able to run after you start the JReport Server due to having the wrong default data source path. In this case, you can use JReport Designer to publish some working reports for testing purposes.

  3. Run the following command, and JReport Server will be installed in the designated path:

    $ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin -i silent -f (change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)
