Installing using the console interface

JReport enables you to perform an interactive installation from a command prompt on platforms that do not have GUI. In this way, you are able to see the installation status and follow the installation process.

Take the following steps to perform console installation:

  1. Download the appropriate installation file according to your system reuqirement from the Jinfonet download center:
  2. Run the following command:

    For Unix and z/Linux:

    $ chmod +x jrserver-xxx-linux.bin

    $ ./jrserver-xxx-linux.bin -i console (change jrserver-xxx-linux.bin to the real file name of the installation file)

    For Windows:

    jrserver-xxx-windows.exe -i console (change jrserver-xxx-windows.exe to the real file name of the installation file)

  3. Make decisions following the installation process.