Installing on Unix manually

In some rare cases, JReport Server may fail to install on Unix directly. In this case, follow the steps below to install it manually:

  1. Install JReport Server on Windows following the steps in Installing on Windows, but don't start it.
  2. Prepare a directory on Unix where you will copy the installation, for example /opt/JReport/Server.
  3. Modify javahome and reporthome in the following files in <install_root>\bin to the Unix directories where the Java JDK is located and the directory you are going to copy the release to, using absolute path. Be sure to modify them carefully. Any mistake will cause problems starting JReport.


  4. Modify javahome in the file in <install_root>\derby\bin to the Unix directory where the Java JDK is located, using absolute path.
  5. Delete the file from <install_root>\bin if it exists and remember to reset the required configuration settings on the JReport Administration page (8889 as the default port) after launching JReport Server on Unix. The file is created if you use the custom format to install.
  6. Make a zip or jar archive of the above folders, and then copy it to your Unix system (use binary format if using FTP).
  7. Extract the folder in the destination directory in accordance with the path defined in the property files.
  8. Use the dos2unix command to convert all the .sh files under <install_root>/bin to the format that can be recognized by Unix. You can execute the command like this:

    $ dos2unix *.sh

  9. Use the chmod command to set the converted files under <install_root>/bin to have read, write and execute permission. You can execute the command like this:

    $ chmod 777 *.sh

  10. Start a shell (Console) and login as root or become the root user by running the su command. Make executable and then start JReport Server by running ./

Note: If you fail to intall JReport Server on your z/Linux system directly, you can also follow the above steps to install the server manually.