Managing aliases

JReport Server organizes its files and directories into a Resource Tree. Aliases are used to provide certain "views" of the tree, and allow different users to have different views. For example, you can set an alias resource tree (based on the resource tree) for Mary in Sales, which enables her to only see the Sales resource node, allowing her direct access to the report files she is interested in. An alias is a combination of users and the resource node.

However, in order to manage aliases, you must be a member of the administrator role in order to access the JReport Administration page.

Setting an alias resource tree for a role, group, or user

  1. Log onto the JReport Administration page.
  2. Click Security on the system toolbar and select Realm from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the realm in which the role, group, or user is.
  4. Click Security on the system toolbar and select Alias from the drop-down menu.
  5. Set an alias resource tree for a role/group/user, click the corresponding set alias link.
  6. Select a role/group/user, and then click the Next button to open the Set Alias dialog. See the dialog.

  7. Click the New button to create a new alias node in the root node.
  8. In the Alias Name field, replace the default name newAlias with a name for the alias.
  9. Click the Browse button to specify a destination resource from the server resource tree that is to be associated with the new alias node. If you do not want the alias node to be shown in the alias resource tree, check the Hide This Alias option.
  10. Click the OK button to complete the creation of the new alias node.
  11. Use the following steps to create further alias nodes:
    1. Select the node in which you want to create a new alias node.
    2. Click New to create.
    3. In the Alias Name field, replace the default name newAlias with a name for the alias.
    4. Click the Browse button to specify a destination resource from the server resource tree that is to be associated with the new alias node.
    5. If you do not want the alias node to be shown in the alias resource tree, check Hide This Alias.
    6. Click the OK button to complete the creation of the new alias node.
  12. After you have finished with the alias resource tree, click the Close button to exit the dialog.

    You will now see that the just set role/group/user is listed in the corresponding alias list in the Alias panel.

Viewing the alias resource tree of a role, group, or user

  1. In the Security > Realm panel, select the realm in which the role, group, or user is.
  2. In the alias list of the Security > Alias panel, select the underlined name of the role/group/user you want to view.
  3. The Set Alias dialog will then be opened for you to view the alias resource tree information of the role/group/user.

Editing the alias resource tree of a role, group, or user

  1. In the Security > Realm panel, select the realm in which the role, group, or user is.
  2. In the alias list of the Security > Alias panel, select the underlined name of the role/group/user you want to edit.
  3. The Set Alias dialog will then be displayed for you to edit the alias resource tree of the role/group/user. You can edit by hiding/unhiding an alias node, creating a new alias node, or removing an existing alias node.
