Managing organizations

JReport Server administrator can organize users into different groups with the organization feature. An organization is a group of users that has its own administrator. The organization administrator can define which users can use which dynamic connections within the organization.

There are two types of admin in the server security system:

There are two types of normal users in the server security system:

Organization is a separately licensed feature of JReport Server. It is installed together with JReport Server so only the license key needs to be updated to enable it to work. To find out how to license Organization please contact Jinfonet sales at or contact your Enterprise Account Manager.

When organization is enabled, you need to specify the organization name before logging in JReport Server. The available organizations are listed in the drop-down list for selection. The organization item System means that the login user is a non-organization user. For organization users, the correct organization name must be provided, otherwise they cannot log in.

When organization is disabled, only non-organization users can log in.

Organization definition

Within each organization, there is a built-in admin and two built-in roles:

Organization name cannot be System since the name has been used for the category name to represent non-organization users.

Organization users and non-organization users

Users, groups, and roles created in an organization are called organization users/groups/roles. And users, groups, and roles that do not belong to any organization are called non-organization users/groups/roles. When upgrading from a version earlier than version 13, the users, groups, and roles in the earlier version are all regarded as non-organization principals.

An organization user/group/role can belong to any other non-organization group/role, but a non-organization user/group/role cannot belong to any organization group/role. An organization user/group/role cannot belong to any group/role of other organizations.

Organization admin cannot add users/groups/roles to non-organization groups/roles. Only root admin can do that.

The naming rule of an organization user is composed of the organization name and the user name separated by \. The format is [Organization Name]\[User Name]. For example, a\b, here a is the organization name and b is the user name.

If organization is disabled, the organization users/groups/roles will not be supported. However the information will be saved in the server and can be retrieved next time when organization is enabled again.

Relationship with dynamic connections

The dynamic connections are categorized at the organization level. If the root admin creates a dynamic connection, the connection maps to no organization. If an organization admin creates a dynamic connection, the connection maps to the organization.

If a dynamic connection is defined in an organization, all users/groups/roles must be from the same organization. If a connection is defined in non-organization, all users/groups/roles must be from non-organizations.

Root admin can define, view and edit all the dynamic connections.

Creating organizations

The root admin can create and delete organizations.

To create an organization:

  1. On the JReport Administration page, click Configuration on the system toolbar and then select Organizations from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Organizations panel, click the Create link. The Create Organization dialog is displayed. See the dialog.
  3. Specify the name of the organization, the maximum number of users allowed in the organization, and the description about the organization, then click OK.

    The organization will be created and listed in the Organizations panel.

See also Create Organization dialog for details about the options in the dialog.

In the Organizations panel, the root admin can further edit the maximum number of users in the organizations, or delete the organizations that are not required.

JReport Administration page for organization admin

After the root admin create an organization, the organization admin of the organization will be able to log in JReport Server by the default user name admin and the default password admin.

On the JReport Administration page, the organization admin is able to define users, groups, roles, and dynamic connections for the users within the organization.

The JReport Administration page contains two tabs on the system toolbar for organization admin:

Connecting to JReport Server from JReport Designer

In JReport Designer, when publishing resources to JReport Server or synchronizing server users for CLS/RLS/MLS, you need to connect to the server firstly. In the Connect to JReport Server dialog, User Name should include the organization name when organization is enabled and when the user is an organization user. Use \ to separate the organization name and the user name, for example, org1\user1.

Accessing JReport Server Monitor

Only the root admin can log onto JReport Server Monitor and see both organization and non-organization information.