Managing tasks in the task tables

You can manage tasks in the task tables according to your requirements. For example, you can run a scheduled task at once, or stop a running task from running.

Performing common tasks

Some task management operations are common to the task tables.

If you want to Then do
Select a task Click in the row that the task is in.
Select multiple tasks Select the rows that the tasks are in while holding the Ctrl button.
Remove a task
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Delete on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Delete button on the floating toolbar.

Managing tasks in the Scheduled table

If you want to Then do
Create a new scheduled task Click New Schedule on the task bar of the My Tasks page, then in the New Schedule dialog, specify how to create the task: by selecting a report or by importing a script file.
Run a task at once
  • Select the row the task is in and click Run on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Run from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Run button on the floating toolbar.
Duplicate a task
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Copy on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Copy from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Copy button on the floating toolbar.
Enable a task
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Enable on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Enable from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row that the task is in and click the Enable button on the floating toolbar.
Disable a task
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Disable on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Disable from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Disable button on the floating toolbar.

The disabled task will not be performed until you enable it again.

Export a scheduled task to a script on disk See Importing and exporting scheduled tasks for details.
Import a scheduled task from a script saved on disk See Importing and exporting scheduled tasks for details.


Managing tasks in the Running table

If you want to Then do
Stop a task from running
  • Select the row the task is in and click Stop on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Stop from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Stop button on the floating toolbar.

Note: When you stop a bursting task from running, some sub tasks in the bursting task may have already been finished, so some results may have been sent to some recipients.

View parameter information Refer to the Parameters column of the Running table.

Managing tasks in the Completed table

If you want to Then do
View detailed task running information
  • Click the schedule name of the task.
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Details on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Details from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Details button on the floating toolbar.
View parameter information Refer to the Parameters column of the Completed table.

Managing tasks in the Background Tasks table

If you want to Then do
Stop a task submitted using Background Run mode from running
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Stop on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Stop from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Stop button on the floating toolbar.
Restart a stopped task
  • Select the row the task is in and click Edit > Restart on the task bar of the My Tasks page.
  • Select the row the task is in, right-click in the row and select Restart from the shortcut menu.
  • Put the mouse pointer over the row the task is in and click the Restart button on the floating toolbar.
View parameter information Refer to the Parameters column of the Background Tasks table.