Task-level timeout for advanced run and schedule tasks

A task-level timeout mechanism is introduced in order to avoid the never-finished running tasks consuming server resources and thus decreasing the server performance. With the mechanism, you can specify a time duration for a task, and ask JReport Server to cancel the task or to notify you or someone else of the task status via e-mail if the task has not yet finished running when the task duration is up. To do this:

  1. Do either of the following to enable the task-level timeout mechanism.
  2. Set task duration check frequency. By default, JReport Server checks task duration every 30 seconds. The period value can be reset either by the task.duration.check_cycle property in the server.properties file or by the Status Refresh Interval option in the Configuration > Advanced panel on the JReport Administration page. Note that the value must be an integer greater than 0. Since task duration check frequency affects server performance, it is recommended that you set the value according to your system environment.
  3. Restart JReport Server if you have modified the Advanced panel.
  4. Use the Duration tab in the Advanced Run and Schedule dialogs to specify task duration.
    1. In the Timeout text box, specify the time limit for when the task can run before notifying of the timeout or canceling the task.
    2. If you want to notify someone of the task status if the task has not yet finished running when the task duration is up, check Notify by e-mail after the specified time and specify the mail address in the Mail To text box.
    3. If you want JReport Server to cancel the task when the task duration is up but the task is not finished yet, check Cancel the task after the specified time.
    4. Click Finish to submit the task.

Then, when the specified task duration is up but the task has not finished running,
