Editing local NLS

JReport allows you to edit NLS for each report or library component on the Administration page of JReport Server as the report designer would with the NLS Editor in JReport Designer. With the NLS Editor, you can translate a report or library component into different languages from the original one. This feature is provided to administrators only.

To edit NLS for a report or library component on JReport Server:

  1. Start JReport Server and log onto the JReport Administration page.
  2. In the resource tree, browse to the report/library component you want to edit.
  3. Select the row that the report/library component is in, then click the NLS Editor button in the Control column. The NLS Editor dialog appears. See the dialog.
  4. Specify a report/component and catalog version as required.
  5. Click the Add button above the Language box.
  6. In the Add Language dialog, select the languages in which you want the report/library component to display, then click OK to confirm and go back to the NLS Editor dialog.
  7. The selected languages are now listed in Language box of the NLS Editor dialog. Select a target language from the box to edit NLS for it.
  8. In the Display tab, click , then in the Add Display dialog, where all the display text in the report/library component are listed, add the display text you want to translate and click OK. Then, enter all the corresponding target language text in the Translate column. If you have defined global NLS for the target language, you can also click Fetch from Global NLS to fetch the corresponding display information. If required, click Add to Global NLS to add the display information you just specified to the global NLS library of the target language.
  9. Switch to the Format tab, click , then in the Add Format dialog, where all the formats used in objects of the report/library component are listed, add the formats you want to customize and click OK. Then, provide the corresponding format in the Format column for the target language.
  10. Click the Font tab, click , then in the Add Font dialog, where all the fonts used in objects of the report/library component are listed, add the fonts you want to customize and click OK. Then, give the font face and font size you want for the target language in the Font Face and Font Size columns. If you have defined global NLS for the target language, you can also click Fetch from Global NLS to fetch the corresponding font information. If required, click Add to Global NLS to add the font information you just specified to the global NLS library of the target language.
  11. Select another language and edit NLS for it as shown above.
  12. Click OK to accept the settings.

See also the NLS Editor dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.
