Creating global NLS

The global NLS is similar to the local NLS feature. Local NLS is the NLS resource used for a particular report or library component, while global NLS is the NLS resource that can be used for all reports and library components in any catalog in both JReport Server and JReport Designer. With global NLS, you can share the NLS information between all reports and library components and reduce your translation cost. This feature is provided to administrators only.

To create global NLS on JReport Server:

  1. Start JReport Server and log onto the JReport Administration page.
  2. Click Resources on the system toolbar and select Global NLS from the drop-down menu. See the panel.
  3. Click the Add button above the Language box. The Select Language Source dialog is then displayed.
  4. Specify where to add the required languages.
  5. Click OK in the Select Language Source dialog. Then,

    The specified languages are now displayed in the Language box in the Global NLS dialog.

  6. Select a language from the Language box to edit global NLS for it.
  7. In the Display tab, click the Add button to add a new row of display. Select the type of the display from the Type drop-down list, specify the key in the Key column, then give the corresponding target language text in the Translation column. Click to add more rows and specify the key and translation according to your requirements.
  8. In the Font tab, click the Add button to add a new row of font. In the Key column, choose from the drop-down lists the font face and font size of the key, in the Font Face column, choose from the drop-down list the font face for the target language, then in the Font Size column, choose from the drop-down list the font size for the target language or check to use relative font size. Click to add more rows and specify the font information according to your requirements.
  9. Repeat the above steps to define global NLS for the other languages as required.
  10. When done, click OK to accept the settings.

See also the Global NLS dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.