NLS at report level

If the NLS feature is enabled for a report or library compnent when it is designed in JReport Designer, it will also be available after the report or library compnent has been published to JReport Server (for detailed information about how to use the NLS feature in JReport Designer, see National Language Support in the JReport Designer User's Guide). Then, when the report or dashboard that contains the library compnent runs in the client/server scenario, different clients can select different languages to render it. Also, JReport provides you with the NLS Editor on JReport Server, with which you can edit NLS for any report or library compnent the same as the report designer does in JReport Designer, and what's more, you can create global NLS resources that can be shared by all reports and library compnents to reduce the translation cost.

Note: The NLS feature is not supported on chart components in web reports and dashboards at present.

The following topics show how to use the NLS feature in JReport Server: