Add Role dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click and then select Add Role from the drop-down menu in one of the following dialogs or tabs:

It helps you to add a role to the security policy, and consists of the following tabs:


Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Displays this help document.

General tab

Specifies the role information. See the dialog.


Specifies the name of the role.


Displays the source of the role. It is read only.

Parent Roles

Displays the parent roles of the current role. It is read only.


Specifies the description of the role.

Relation tab

Specifies the relationship of the role and the existing users and groups. See the dialog.


All available users will be listed here. If a user is checked, the user will be added into the role.


All available groups will be listed here. If a group is checked, the group will be added into the role.